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Everything posted by CitizenGaer

  1. Insilico was preserved, Chouchou was given a similar opportunity. There is precedent that virtual places can be considered pieces of art and a valuable part of SL and there is even a process in place for their preservation. I call for the inclusion of Hangars Liquides regions into the Second Life Region Preservation Society in virtue not only of its still standing place as the longest running and largest cyberpunk city on the grid, but also of its sheer beauty and complexity. After over a year of visiting the place everyday I keep finding new secret spots, new and magnificent views like you could never find anywhere else in SL, built from pieces created exclusively to form part of it. The extension and layering of the city is such that after all this time I still get lost in it, which is by far more of an adventure than the inconvenience it could be in real life. Hangars Liquides is more than a place where you can role play and marvel at the striking aesthetics, it tells a cautionary tale, as is the purpose of Cyberpunk, it is a critique of our society and the dangers of runaway technological development and corporate power that could overweight our basic rights, all with its own personal touch.
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