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Everything posted by Audiobuff007

  1. Thanks for the explanation. Although I do keep seeing the "slow GPU > low FPS." comment. I'm running on Nitro 5700 XT, runs anything in my Steam library near maximums every title.. and the base hardware to match, you name it, premium build. I am eager to understand and to learn more to analyze sim performance. Any reference to concise material would be helpful. The sim I've sent the data on, is my own. Thanks again.
  2. Delving back into this.. the SL grid is obviously poorly optimized, preaching to the choir. My Graphics and CPU run the viewer mostly at rest, however my connection until updated, supports a maximum of 10Mb (bits) down, 1.5 up max if the network isn't in use. Why aren't the viewers utilizing more of the hardware? Sure my 130-150fps on a clean sim, but a reasonably finished sim sends the viewer into a hard nose dive. I don't know LSL well enough to know how all of these params apply. Let me know what you think.
  3. Those facts are not mine, they are facts. Do your own homework, you'll find the same information. You just stated those that signed affidavits, right? More than a decade as an investigator, it doesn't take even a moron to determine probable cause in the security footage. Ask your self why do you choose to not even ask a question as to why these things happened? Why would the team lead of election staff tell the observers required to be there to go home? Then why did they wait some nominal amount of time, restart the machines when they said they were done when legally they are not to continue with out observation? Where did those boxes come from under the table? Why were they not in plain view with all of the other ballots? Are you naïve to the probability that is was happening in more than one place? Instead, YouTube runs their own propaganda, long before ballots are finished counting identifying Biden as president elect, that's called pushing a narrative. You should be looking at the courts in speculation, they are not interpreting law but instead choosing a side. That alone is not Constitutional.
  4. Common groups in society will tend to stay within that group's belief. It takes a stronger individual to think objectively "outside the box" and do a deeper investigation , and push further once an irregularity presents itself.
  5. Rhetoric and speculation. That FACT is, there's enough probable cause in all the video capture presented to warrant federal investigation. Second FACT is they did sign legal bearing documents and were not selected. How many deceased individuals voting multiple times does it take to get you to admit there's a problem? You should be more worried about the FBI hacks that refused to do their job, instead of remaining objective, they leaned to one side just happens to be the side that includes individuals not interested in upholding the Constitution.
  6. Not sure you understand the function of the border wall... do you? Certainly not for ICBM's being lobbed from North Korea, nope. Logically wouldn't be for air traffic, would it? Why do you put a fence around your yard or business with razor wire? Won't stop a 40mm round from being lobbed in will it? Why put a padlock on a locker, when with enough effort, anyone could find their way in, but maybeeee not with out notice. Is that enough deconstruction of your statement about the wall? The coyotes aren't flying in on SCUDS, they're moving via ground, on it and under it. It is a deterrent and a message, and gives authorities greater time to respond to any illegal entry. Enough about that. I'm familiar with military aid, I've handed many afghani/afn to families after damage to their home. This is not the time, during a national crisis to appropriate funds greater than our own, to foreign aid. I'm not talking politics, I'm taking basics.
  7. By now you've learned I've not mentioned the capital, not once. Reasons? As you probably don't know, in part connections a certain party(s) blm/ANTIFA so far was an arrangement and the investigation is on going. Pakistan was fraction of an example of the blatant ignorance of our foreign policy that all of it adds up for generations to come and the misuse of Americans hard work. We cannot be held responsible paying for other's worldly issues to the degree that we have. Whether it's your personal debt or the national debt, they share the same levels of responsibility. Can you afford the liabilities of $30 + trillion? Neither can the country.
  8. Another reply with no supporting facts or sources. This is the leftist motto.
  9. We need border control, while the project is not done, it is in fact needed. It is fact that illegal aliens skew the job market and affect subsidy programs causing unnecessary expansion. Questions are the only way a debate or problem get solved. Why are you against my questions? How are my claims BS with no fact provided from your end? How is that cheap, when some percentage of my income goes to Pakistani gender programs in the middle of American crisis? I didn't vote for that, no one did. How is that cheap?
  10. In what way did I promote greed? Do you believe I should lose part of my property or your property because someone else doesn't have an equal share? If work 120 hours per week to build a successful business, and let's be conservative here, say only a 1.5 million dollar business, should I penalized for my hard work?
  11. Don't you have suspicions based on fact that the machines were proven to be hacked and open to manipulation? The difference is now is investigators are pointing at an object, and very clear suspicious activity and the other party didn't have to answer for it. If you "look" like you're stuffing your pockets in a retail environment, asset management in most cases provided not distracted, send loss prevention to you for a visual inspection, then when they have probable cause, now an investigation is warranted. Do you want fair and accurate elections in the United States?
  12. Ok great, you've recognized that the government takes part of your income. Why are you concerned about what other's, businesses and corporations make? Have you bettered yourself to your maximum potential? Are you indicating you have no way possible to make a better life for yourself?
  13. You do understand how taxes work? Are you stating that the govt. takes all of your money or mine?
  14. Don't ruin Finding Nemo for me. Other than that, give an expanded point. What is your point?
  15. You're still generalizing. You've not answered anything to the questions provided. I've concluded you will continue to ignore facts and stay focused on a phrase no matter who makes the statement. Stating something is old, over and over, is a method of stone walling and avoiding progressing through an argument, which you are not. I made an attempt and gave you a chance to give a real reply with some solution to your issues. I bid you, a good day.
  16. In your general non-supported replies, are you referring to my sourced based on fact statements? Outdated, would you back up that claim. You have yet to supply answer that includes your demands or solutions. A free economy is never outdated. The measure of your effort should be rewarded in kind. If you refuse to recognize the problem, you cannot work on a successful solution.
  17. Sure I could agree with that. I'd appreciate conditions here much better if the "something for nothing" societal shift we're having, "me too" movement, etc., didn't exist. Somehow we have a mob of uneducated people that have been sold a bill of goods that our history should deleted, and I should have to support my neighbor that mismanages their money. Poor choices are such a simple but hard to swallow concept, that when you make a bad choice, there are consequences. We're not talking about citizens that are actually disabled, we're talking about those seen in the grocery line wielding food stamps/ebt wearing more designer clothes garnished with the latest smart phone ignoring their kids. That's one example. In Fergusson MO, where I was assigned to crowd management, there is a huge difference between the people protesting for answers during daylight vs those intending to harm law enforcement which I was there to shield local police as an attachment. You don't need to tell me twice, it's a wreck everywhere.
  18. Are you choosing to ignore the meaning of my statement and just say stuff? Who said anything about Detroit? Your assumptions about my age are about as ignorant as your reading comprehension. Wayne County.. through 2019 poverty levels in relative to population are over 31.5% which is the starting point data segment on top of the percentage scales measuring poverty nationally 31.5 -100% in that data set. In your reply regardless of it's tone, are you stating there are no individuals on assistance, and better yet those on assistance that are taking money they shouldn't? Do you want to discuss Detroit's crime laden track record? My point is, it exists everywhere in varying degrees and your assumptions about me, putting individuals in a box, before understanding facts is the very reason our county is in social collapse.
  19. Those riding the system know who they are. If you're not it, then you're not part of the problem.
  20. Let's examine why those hard working people that support the country financially don't want to pay into the governmental system to mismanage the funds and run programs so that they actually work for those that "need" part time money or assistance. I don't care if you're green with purple stripes, assistance for perfectly able people should be a temporary measure. Thusly those wanting a large family whether it be children or pets, financial planning should be deeply worked through before leveraging against subsidy programs because of personal mistakes. This goes hand in glove with paying taxes for a social healthcare.. the party that promotes a racial divide, I'll say in reference to the start of the root, they've been pushing the divide since the 60's. Think Chicago in the 60's, you might guess the party. The government is not capable of running programs with out a slant, case and point, right now audits uncovered $21 trillion missing, the financials date back to '97'. Go Figure at the rise of the Clinton administration. So, no. Nor would I want to pay in to a system that will not work effectively.
  21. It would be disgusting if I did "paint all people". However, assuming that I did, is the societal problem we have right now. You failed to have a discussion. I've been put in a box with my statement, however the statement is targeted at those taking advantage. Maybe align with the conversation and ask a question next time and don't assume. Objective thinking is where everyone misunderstanding my response will fail.
  22. So what you're saying is that... because I took the oath to protect the constitution, that makes me right wing or a terrorist? Tell me. What's wrong with right wing? I'll tell you what's wrong with the leftist extremist attempting to dismantle our country. Explain exactly, no rhetoric, what President Trump did that offended you. Do you understand that Second Life thrives under free enterprise, what leftists are burning buildings down to abolish? Are you ignoring the fact that not only, was the election tampered with, and votes stolen from millions of Americans we will never have free and fair elections if this continues. Answer me this, since I'm aware every libtard will throw the usual tantrum they have been throwing for the last 4 years, is it ok for deceased citizens to vote? Is it ok for democrats to just deny suspicious activity and stone wall investigations while intimidating those that believed that what happened was wrong? Is it ok to burn businesses down? Is it ok to take money from American's pockets what they rightfully earned but have to give it up to bogus programs that support perfectly able people to "ride the system". Have you actually read the Constitution? Just stacking some questions for those thinking that supporting President Trump is hate, not a chance. No. The 1st amendment affords me to express myself under the guidance of the law. You see, I didn't throw any bottles, or kill innocent people in the streets holding an American Flag..
  23. Given one of the replies by a user supporting a Marxist terror group, that has laid claim to many acts of political violence as well as revealed the organization as well funded and not the cause it was masked to be.. pretty fair chance if anymore posters seen with BLM in their profile, might draw not only complications to the network known as Second Life but also promoting a terror group may have you flagged by appropriate authorities. BLM is federally recognized as a domestic terror group. Do you think it's a good idea to make it known you support the agendas and ideology BLM stands for? BLM, Antifa etc.. are attempting to dismantle the Constitution I swore to defend. For the rest of the posters here, are you pro-Constitution and better yet American? Tell the BLM/Antifa supporters, you won't stand for it.
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