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Dae Dismantled

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Everything posted by Dae Dismantled

  1. I'm using Alchemy Viewer (but I've also used the default SL viewer) and when I am using prim Media, like tv's things like that, the audio is CONSTANTLY skipping, like a broken CD. I've tried adjusting my bandwidth, but that hasn't helped. Does anybody know how to solve this issue? I'd really like to be able to use media again. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I have absolutely zero knowledge of scripting. I'm looking for a script that lets you wear glasses either on your face, or on your head. With saveable position/rotation via menu, perhaps? Would anyone be able to help?
  3. Hello! Does anybody know of any good places to get Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, futuristic or star wars freebies on SL? Thanks! Any help would be highly appreciated!!
  4. Hello! Does anybody know of any good places to get Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, futuristic or star wars freebies on SL? Thanks! Any help would be highly appreciated!!
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