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Posts posted by njgamer69

  1. i do not know what tools vic [redacted by moderator] have

    [redacted by moderator]

    i crashed after the threat 

    i was thinking it's safe in sl but this guy prove it's not safe

    im hesitant from paying in sl 

    i post here because i want to know the truth about sl safty

  2. ya all true

    but what about me i want place where people can be them self there free to talk (but with no crimes)

    not in second life forum but in second life sim

    i did see one place i can't find it

    when i see people out side the place i seen alot of them they have the mask on but i go someone home or i hide and lesson to some people they speak the same as the place i one was in

    what i want is that freedom and people being them self

    i want to know the truth and i do not want someone how is nice and hide from my the truth on how do i speak

    i want to improve my way how to talk to people


  3. 1 minute ago, Nick0678 said:

    We can all understand your anxiety if she is doing well etc cause she is your wife..

    Just call her on the phone and she will explain to you why she can't login.

    ya im stupid did not ask

  4. 7 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:


    1.  She didn't want to go home so didn't accept the tp

    2. She went afk and crashed/logged out/rl happened

    Are you saying she is still showing online?  That sometimes happens if she crashed mid tp.  Often sending an IM will clear that.  

    does she show online on the dashboard if you go to  https://secondlife.com/ and log in?

    1 she would have told me

    2 maybe crash but she send replies after that and not ignore 

     now ya but with no feedback no reply and i im her she dose not reply

  5. 23 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    There is no way that you can find out if your friend's account has been compromised.  She will have to do that herself, by following the instructions here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017#Section_.5 (What to do if your account has been compromised)

    It's much more likely that she's simply somewhere else on the grid and was busy,  didn't know you were trying to reach her, or did not want to talk to you at that moment.

    she would tell me she was going if she's somewhere else

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