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Michi Core

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Everything posted by Michi Core

  1. Hello my friends, i will try to make it simple, what it does: if (message == "MORE...") { if (final < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION) - 1) { ini += 9; final += 9; } BUFFER = ["STOP"] + ["MORE..."] + ["...BACK"] + llList2List(ANIMS, ini, final); Dialog(chave, BUFFER); its reading all animations inside the content tab and listing them in the dialog. what i want: it should check certain animation names and dont list them in the dialog menu. something like if > getinventorynumber "animationname" ? is there a simple way do exclude certain animation names from the dialog? BUFFER = ["STOP"] + ["MORE..."] + ["...BACK"] + llList2List(ANIMS, ini, final); i tried to mess around with that part, but i couldnt figure it out yet.
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