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Avery Evergarden

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Everything posted by Avery Evergarden

  1. I'm not so sure about that..... perhaps though.... If you look at the SSP248 land on the map you can see that half of the lot is being used for an entry into where they are putting some campers..... I think they release it as it is and add in the camper entrance later....
  2. Our answers conflict with each other but I can confirm that one more then one time I've got the error page and refreshing many times got me the house. Sold out is back to the homes page to see what is available...
  3. Sold out page is browser back (likely two time) to get back to the home page. If you get the there was an error page don't go back.... keep refreshing that page until you either get your house or you reach the sold out page
  4. I've see that too.... don't know the meaning..... I'd venture to say that that region will not be up for release today anyway.
  5. I'm in the area again and I kind of want to sit in the region I think will get released but I'm worried that I just get booted with no notice.... which in turn doesn't give any further advanced notice then sitting next to it and seeing it disappear.
  6. Has anybody been in one of the regions just before the restart and release? Is there still the region restart warning and countdown or do they just do a manual hard restart and you're logged out?
  7. one lighthouse view exchanged for another....... have you tried buying a lottery ticket lately?????
  8. Limevale has 7 houses on it... no house boats.... it's very nice... it' basically where your are on your map right there through that channel... should be SSPE248 Sorry that should be 10 houses on it....
  9. I think the trick if you are in world and you see the sim go poof that is the time to start refreshing like crazy (with your password saved in case you need to log out and back in again) because by the time it reappears the land has all be taken. I clicked on a few parcels just to see if any of them still showed the owner as Linden and every one was already owned by somebody else..... I suppose due to what ever lag you have with your viewer if you wait until you see it it's already too late.....
  10. Derrick Linden has left so likely that's it for the day..... Guy Linden is still here but I think he is working on something else from where I see him and what was happening...
  11. Keep checking in for the next little while.... lots of people abandon them right away....
  12. Smiles.... that's what having your password saved already helps with.....
  13. log out and back in is quick and easy and takes much less time then waiting the 70something seconds
  14. red box gone around edgar.... now's the time to disregard the refresh limit All homes still linden owned.... maybe pending a restart... another Linden is here... guy Linden Guy Linden seems to be repairing a few houses on Jefferson Park that have red lettering on them.... abandons maybe
  15. derick linden is here.... not a mole but an actual linden he's gone now.... didn't see Patch
  16. my radar has 41 people in and around the 7 regions..... I haven't seen any fish or trucks though....
  17. I'm back from my very short dinner..... and.... and.... now the text and green boxes are gone from all the regions.... all that is left is the main red boxes.... that's 7..... uh huh 7..... that look to be able to go at anytime....... could the moles shock us all??????
  18. Can't see much about the details from this shot but you can get the gist of it all.... Three of the most southern regions (the three full red boxes) are what seem to be ready.... They are all really nice. Gotta run for dinner and can't watch further at the moment.... good luck to all.......
  19. I just checked further south as well... there is a 3rd sim with no green text or boxes called Porthole that looks very ready to go as well..... Porthole mix of houseboats and houses, Walrus Beach mix of houseboats and houses, Limevale has only 7 spots all houses....
  20. yep.... it's the nicest one I've got to date..... I'm staying for a while.... I haven't seen anything else coming up that I want to take a gamble on.... smiles...
  21. I'm hoovering nearby..... if I notice either of them restart I will post straight away..... I am happily in a home now on Everett that was released by Rae last week so I am not in the race any longer.... but it's still fun to watch it all happening....
  22. Lettering in Edgar is still there for me and I am currently in Edgar....
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