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Posts posted by KiKiDivinity

  1. 4 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

    Yes, but they also want to make sure everything is built right. Do you want a community setting, where everything looks the same? I would rather wait and just let them do their work and in time, you will get your new homes. For right now, the old Linden Homes are good enough. I don't know why people are so mad when they already have a place to stay. It's not like they closed down all the Linden homes, and had you be homeless for an undisclosed amount of time. Hell LL doesn't have to give you new homes, this is just a really nice thing they are doing for us. Like they didn't have to do this for us, they could have just done general updates for us. But they are doing it, and it will take time for them to get all the homes out for every premium member. So please wait and be patient, 

    I'm not complaining just saying, I don't want an old home I want one that was promoted. Of course I want them to do it right and I know it will be. It's frustrating having to wait but I'm trying not to be one who complains about it. 

  2. When linden labs promoted the new linden homes, they promoted to all premium members not just a handful. Linden labs is obligated to produce enuff homes for all premium members. Im sure they will but waiting for one is  tiresome. Yes, we could have a linden home but the older homes only give 115 prims or something like that. Why would we settle for that when LL promoted 350 prims a 1024sq lot and a"NEW LINDEN HOME".?

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  3. You all need to stop complaining about not having your new linden home(I don't have mine either) , as you all can see it's not getting you anywhere.  LL is going to do what they want not what we want.  They will release the new homes when they are ready.  Im hoping it's very Soon.  

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  4. I was told the new homes were available(back in April) , the reason I'm homeless. I abandoned my home went to get a new one but they were gone. I bought a piece of premium land.. Was told I would have to leave that also to get a home. I'm homeless by my choosing. I refuse to snooz this time. 

  5. Look at it this way, LL is doing something nice for all of us premium members at no extra cost to us. Beautiful homes, beautifully decorated sim/region and a community to where most people will interact and it can be a wonderful experience. Instead of complaining get excited. LL didn't have to do this for us, we all could be stuck with 10yr old homes or older. The longer I have to wait the more excited I become. 

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