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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. Decor details on the blog.
  2. Decor details on Flickr.
  3. Decor details on the blog.
  4. Click for style details.
  5. Style details on Flickr.
  6. Style details on the blog.
  7. Style details on the blog.
  8. "Nicholas Huntsman is the creator for a couple of stores, Lux Aeterna that is a home and garden and L & Co. Clothiers that feature vintage clothing from the 1920s and 30s. He has pretty standard vendor pictures, but he also has a series of delightful sendups of The Saturday Evening Post in the style of J. C. Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell;s mentor. Of course, Leyendecker and Rockwell never had such a model as Nicholas. He included a short story, a small excerpt will explain the picture." Read more on the blog.
  9. Consol Pepper is enjoying a tranquil autumn in today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  10. "My mom said to try posting at different times to see how that goes. This is me seeing how it goes. If you want to pick up some marketing tips and tricks, watch the BVN presentation." Read more on the blog.
  11. "Wherever you are in SL and whomever you are – your experience is highly individual – it is yours alone. No one experiences this environment precisely as you do, and, of course, the same can be said of our presence in the physical world. Our perception is uniquely ours and ours alone. So how does one communicate that experience, share that experience? How does one reach out and share a vision of how we see this world?" Read more on the blog.
  12. "Wednesday September 15th: In a new episode of our original series, “Where Have You Been?”, which suggests places to see and things to do around the Second Life grid, Episode 16 visits The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe" Read more on the blog.
  13. "Totally out of character for me to go shopping live. Lets face it shopping to me is like daggers in my eyeballs. BUT decor shopping, now you are talking!! So today Im dragging you for the weekend SL DECOR HOME SHOPPING EVENT. It happens very weekend 8am SLT Saturday till Sunday 8pm SLT." Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  14. "Vicariously working out through my Second Life avatar. If you're into simulation games in SL, peep this fitness simulation" Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  15. "Join Pao Pao and I while I shop for my Fall House in Second Life. This is Part 1 of a 2 Part series." Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  16. "First female avatar to step on the moon , huge step for virtuality" Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  17. "Welcome to Equal10 ! Let's check out another awesome round!" Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  18. "NEW in Second Life? Try this to start your new avatar. We only need 2L (1L basic bom head and 1L Gift Legacy Body) the rest is all free and about your imagination" Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  19. "Hey Robins, Let's decorate together. As the coziness of the fall rolls in, it's time to pull out our thick duvets and twinkle lights and add a bit of warmth to our bedroom. Using some of our purchases from our recent decor shopping vlog to add small touches of fall." Click to watch the video on YouTube.
  20. "Owl Dragonash is a genuine tour de force in Second Life: she curates art, organises events and artists across various venues; she organises music events (and arranges musicians for exhibitions and the like); she provides PR support to galleries and groups; she has her own blog with a focus on music, art and places to visit, and she brings an incredible amount of energy, shining enthusiasm and dedication to all that she does." Read more on the blog.
  21. "Just a couple of shots, taken at the Soul2Soul locations. They really give you a relaxing moment in what can be a very hasty life in-world..." More on the blog.
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