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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "The new Itakos Project Art Gallery present, “Memories of a Foreign Reality” By Etamae and Imaginary Footprints" Read more on the blog.
  2. “Lab Gab” is a live-streamed variety show that showcases events, destinations, and different talents across Second Life. Join our host, Strawberry Linden on Friday, October 23rd at 10am PT/SLT as she speaks with the Director of Manifestations, Viola van Alphen, also known as Sandwoman Petion in Second Life. Manifestations NL is one of the virtual locations of the Dutch Design Week, the largest RL event of its kind in Northern Europe. This year the Manifestations theme is 'Monsters'. Watch us live on YouTube, Facebook, or Periscope! For full episodes of Lab Gab, click over to the Lab Gab YouTube Playlist. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  3. "New store Inithium, the wonder child of the creators who brought the Sking bodies, has released a body for those of us who like some dramatic curves and some not so subtle bits and pieces. While very flexible, the body feels like an ode to those of us who have been craving a body focused on some TNA. I’m still experimenting with slim shapes but the body will be released October 20th so you can give it a try yourselves." Read more on the blog.
  4. "I tried my hand at making something semi abandoned and forgotten, not just by most people but also even by the sun. The vegetation has grown around it that even the sun struggles to get through and all you get is dappled sunlight. I wanted it to also feel like it had been decorated inside as a mini getaway for one person who didn’t forget." Read more on the blog.
  5. "It’s been a great month so far for decor lovers. Even if you aren’t loving the Fall and Halloween decor that is being released at this time of the year there is still plenty of other amazing releases for you to add to your homes and gardens." Read more on the blog.
  6. "And the legacy continues…Not to be underestimated, deadly beauties walking! Only Mother can control them, only Mother can guide them." Read more on the blog.
  7. "This weekend is the Making Strides walk. It should be fun. I got my information earlier today and already have enough sponsors to walk. The event takes place from October 24th, starting at 10 am SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT. Donation collections start the next day until the 31st. It should be fun." Read more on the blog.
  8. "I have something a little different today – a quick look/review of the new Love Momma Mesh Body demo by Zooby!" Read more on the blog.
  9. Today's Second Life pic of the day is a beautiful avatar portrait by Kensley Tepes. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  10. "The sims become slowly more and more Rough and so we had 2 crashes yesterday out of 8. Lucy, Jenna, Sea, Viv, Lisa, Moon Rugger and Sirius came to race our B25 Course with wind north east and 18 knots." Read more on the blog.
  11. "Hey Heartrun, So good to meet you in NOVA’s this morning! I am currently transitioning in real life — male to female — and my journey has had its wide varieties of up’s and down’s. Most of the down’s came before I really committed to my transition. Not to say there hasn’t been some tough days after I started hormone replacement therapy, because there definitely have been — but for the most part it has been positive. My question is why is everyone so dang quiet in Second Life?" Read more on the blog.
  12. "This is it! This is the day I’ve been planning since I decided a few months ago to turn Sinful Retreat into an art sim. Back at the end of July/the beginning of August, I started contacting artists offering up sections of my sim to do with as they would, to create a cohesive environment out of incongruent styles of art. What we celebrate now is the first iteration of that vision. Represented on the sim currently are 10 different artists including myself. More are waiting in the wings to take sections over in the coming months to begin the process of evolution. From here on out, the sim will continue to slowly change and develop in new directions. " Read more on the blog.
  13. "Books certainly are portable magic to me. I love all of the famous nature writers. Some of my faves are Edward Abbey, John McPhee, and Barry H. Lopez. They take me places and describe it so beautifully." Read more on the blog.
  14. "Found a new-to-me designer called The Tinsmith. Grabbed up these two gorgeous skyhomes , at just $1 why not! This home is only 20Li – let that just sink in for a moment. Yes 20Li, two floors, little reading nook, lighting, 100% mesh." Read more on the blog.
  15. 'Let's rule together' by Teej (Timaaj) is today's Second Life pic of the day. For a chance to have your image featured as the Second Life pic of the day, submit your work to the Official Second Life Flickr Group, but don't forget to read the rules! Connect with Second Life on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr | Pinterest | Tumblr | Plurk | TikTok | Reddit | LinkedIn
  16. "LOGO celebrates their 15 year anniversary with a big event starting on October 23 that will run 15 days until midnight SLT on November 6th. Founder Maximillion Grant and his team will be celebrating with the release of two new heads, Chelsea and Chase (shown here) which will be FREE during the event." Read more on the blog.
  17. "Commencing on Tuesday, October 20th, the Lab will be expanding on the number by “a few hundred” regions during week #43." Read more on the blog.
  18. "a wonderful show [and i know i say this every week!] with two non-humanoid creatures at the second life book club: katharine duckett as centaur and chana porter as mermaid." Read more on the blog.
  19. "In the Firestorm Viewer the following communication status options have an automatic response." Read more on the blog.
  20. "In part five of this series I looked at working with other people, which is hard. This time, I’m looking at filming speech in Second Life, which is harder." Read more on the blog.
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