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  1. Trying to upload my mesh and this came up "failed to upload linden catch all." what does this mean ?
  2. I am so confused on how to sell linden on secondlife, i have sold linden via the exhcnage and now it says i have USD in my Tillia account balance how do i get that out of there and into my bank account? I have linked my paypal but the process credit button is greyed out however i sold linden on the exchange can anyone tell me what this means or how to do it?
  3. Hellooo, I am seeking inworld employment as a babysitter, customer service, assistant , sorting, companion etc. Im looking for something fun and exciting to do while on Secondlife to increase my rp skills and gaming experience. I am a returning user and have been on secondlife for 5+ years please contact me if you have any offers/suggestions. Thank you !
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