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Posts posted by JaslynMaia

  1. Non-mod unfortunately! Only scripts that were in there, (according to the names) made sense, I reckon it might be llTakeControls being used like Elle had mentioned. Thanks for the help everyone!! This has def been driving me a little peeved for a few days, I'm super glad to not have to slowfall down the stairs every time. LOL

    5 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

    If the offending item is modifiable you might want to check the contents to see if there is a suspicious script in it that might be the cause. I doubt it but worth a quick look. I would check it's properties too and set it phantom or physics type none. It's physics could be the cause of your problem and something you can fix yourself.


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  2. I FOUND IT. It was an older attachment that I used only on occasion, never really moved around with the attachment on so I didn't notice it sooner. I had started wearing a new piece of jewelry recently, and really thought that might be the reason. Thanks Qie for suggesting I try Test Female! Also recreated the LSL bridge for good measure while I was going through that process and it worked!

    I've also dropped a notecard to the creator just to inform them, hopefully they fix it with an update!

    • Like 2
  3. Okay so I basically did this:


    Go to Preferences → Firestorm -> Extras and disable the bridge. Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S to open Debug Settings, type in: LockBridgeFolder, set to FALSE, close the Debug Settings. Open the #Firestorm folder in your inventory, and in that, the # LSL Bridge folder. Detach the #Firestorm LSL Bridge, then delete it.

    And did the repair thing under avatar health as well as tried the SL viewer + even Alchemy too. Also checked my attachments. No luck unfortunately. I'm going to submit a ticket to LL for some helping in their morning to see what they say. 😊

  4. Firestorm! I've checked all my preferences for any movement related things that might seem off, and any region settings (push related mostly). Keyboard is perfectly fine, no issues. I have RLV, but havent touched it recently aside from adding a new trusted. Movelock is definitely off!

  5. Did you ever manage to find a solution for this? I'm facing the same issue, and have tried everything i could think of (settings / region changes). Still have no idea why, it just started happening a few days ago.

  6. Hi!

    So here's the situation, I'm trying to write a script that detects a specific group in particular, that ISN'T the object's group and was wondering if there's a way to do this? I'm renting land that isnt group deedable, so the alternative isnt an option unfortunately.

    The script included is what im working on at the moment, is there away for llDetectedGroup (0) to detect this particular group: secondlife:///app/group/f87e55b4-c1c5-06b9-b590-d77594b989c0/about?

    Also for some reason this script has a syntax error at the else statement I cant seem to figure out, please help!


    { // Triggered when objects (including avatars) collide with the object containing this script
        collision_start(integer nd)
            { // Cycle through the detected keys of those objects that collided this time checking if each is the owner.
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); // Become un-solid
                    llSay(0, "Please have your group tag on to use the lounge");
        collision_end(integer nd)
            if(llGetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM)) // If the object is un-solid
                llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE); // Set the object solid.


  7. Hiya!

    So I'm trying to write a script that detects the object's group and say it in chat. I've done some searching around on the second life LSL Portal and tried llDetectedGroup and llSameGroup but I cant seem to get it to work? Help please?

    Ps. Its been awhile since I've done any scripting (^w^*)


      llSay (0, "This object's group is" + OBJECT_GROUP + "! Blah blah blah"); 


  8. Hello!

    I've just recently started playing second life again, and it seems like my old group of friends have moved on by now. So I'm looking for a fresh start with roommates who are willing to become best friends and split the bill for a place to call home!

    Ps. This isn't a roleplay situation, Im just genuinely looking for friends to hang with ahahha.

    Please feel free to msg me in game @JaslynMaia! or here works too <3

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Ruthven Willenov said:

    Certainly, that would be an easy enough script, here's a starting point (not tested)

    list whitelist = ["name 1"];//add the names of the people you want to allow, case sensitive
        changed(integer change)
            if(change & CHANGED_LINK)
                key id = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
                    name = llKey2Name(id);
                    integer index = llListFindList(whitelist,[name]);
                    if(index == -1 && id != llGetOwner())


    Ahh yes, I understand how to whitelist, but I simply don't understand how to get my script to initiate another script that someone else wrote? Or would simply dropping a whitelist script into the object, enable the object to block the person from accessing Script B unless authorized? 

    • Like 1
  10. Okay so, like everyone else, I've had a fair share of griefers; as did my friend, who recently had to deal with one today, hence prompting me to ask this question.

    Question one! 

    I'd personally consider the worst form of home griefing to be refusing to go and acting like they own the place. Although methods like security ejecting and banning is possible, I'd like to simply prevent them from even being able to access furniture menus for sits. So here's my question, is there anyway I can connect scripts, like tell the object to run through script A ( the script that I've written, and dropped into the item's inventory) first before running Script B (the no-mod script somebody else wrote and included with the object that I've purchased). If Script A was false, then do nothing or send a message telling them that no access is allowed. If Script A was true, continue on to Script B. I understand that there is a way to do this within a single script, but as certain scripts are no mod, and almost all no whitelist, I'm hoping there's a way for me to drop a script into an object to make it so?

    Question two! 

    Okay, so question two! Is there anyway to write a script that reads a group profile's members list? For example, if JaslynMaia Resident is on the Group A's members list, then proceed without needing the group tag to be active? I've been to a place or two (I can't remember what its called at the moment) where you can access everything if you're part of the group without having the group tag active. You'd still receive the benefits of the group if you're in it without the tag being active, but if you're not part of the group, you simply do not have access or receive benefits. Is there any way to achieve that result? 

  11. Okay, so I found this script on the LSL wiki page, meant to teleport anyone that clicks on the object with the script in it and teleports them to the landmark included in the item inventory. 

    The script works well for me, but I can't quite grasp why it doesn't work for other people? Like my fiancé for example, it would teleport me, but if he were to click on the item, I'd get an error saying that Teleport LSL functions can only teleport the owner of the object. I don't quite understand why it does that, when the scripting doesn't seem to specify that its owner only?

    key  teleportee;
            llSay(0, "Touch to teleport");
        touch_start(integer total_num)
            teleportee = llDetectedKey(0);
            llRequestPermissions(teleportee, PERMISSION_TELEPORT);
        run_time_permissions(integer perm)
            if(PERMISSION_TELEPORT & perm)
                llTeleportAgent(teleportee, "//insert landmark name here", <13.0, 38.0, 23.5>, <13.0, 12.0, 23.5>);


  12. On 12/26/2018 at 10:48 PM, Alyona Su said:

    iOS has "SL Notifier" for $0.99 and MetaChat ($3) which supposedly also works with OpenSim and there's even one for IMVU (I didn't even know that was still alive) LOL. I dunno about Android, tho'.

    Okay, putting down my own two cents after months of trying to find a lumiya replica and testing sl apps for IOS.

    First things first, I would recommend against SL notifier UNLESS you own property in world. Rentals dont count. Aside from having to purchase the app on the appstore, they request that you spend another 500L on a signal beacon in world at their shop. I cant quite think of the proper word to call it, so lets call it a signal beacon for now. Basically the problem here is that the app is useless unless you buy that beacon and rezz it inworld on property that you own. The most it does without that beacon is tell you who’s online at that moment, which you can already do with MP. Even if you do own property in world, the most the app will provide is a chat system. Map is only available to see where your friends are. 

    In turn that means I do recommend Metachat, for now at least, since something is better than nothing. Unfortunately though, the app lags quite a bit but I have reason to believe that phase will pass as they’re still sending updates for the app. Theres no extra obligations or anything in world, so that 3$ you spend, thats it. In comparision to SL Notifier, Metachat has a lot more features. You can access your inventory - thus in turn attach/detach items, enable RLV, chat, and blindly move in world. I say blindly because unfortunately unlike Lumiya, you cant actually see the world through 3d lens, just the sim map, coloured dots representing your avie/avies hanging around, and a camera direction from the dot representing you. But again, do note that swapping from chat to chat, or tab can be painful. 

    Unfortunately, these are the only two apps I’ve been able to find so far on the appstore. Aside from just now learning about Bright Canopy, which sounds appealing but 17$ for 10 hours is a bit much for me personally. Everything else is just a matter of smart design in order to succeed.

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  13. Hai Hai! 

    Fellow Asian in disguise here! 😅 GMT +7 

    I'm still fairly new to Second Life, but it seems everyone's more into their little groups? Breaking the ice seems a bit difficult when it comes to new people, for me at least, no one really bothers to try to initiate a conversation these days. But that could just be me (>~<)


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