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Everything posted by LuxuriousSin

  1. Hey! I wanted to ask the community what you think is the hardest thing for new (and older) players about second life! I think SL can have a difficult learning curve for new players, so I am interested to see what everyone thinks!
  2. Hi, I have built classrooms before! I would be able to do the design for you if needed. I have some of my builds up on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo
  3. We're still hiring and hoping to hear from you! 😊
  4. I just wanted to say I had so much fun working on this project!! You were amazing to work with, and I am so glad you are happy with how things turned out! Before After
  5. Hi! I do a lot of decorating, and do it professionally as well πŸ’œ I have a YouTube channel that has some of my various builds and designs: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo I have done a lot more than what I have on my channel 😊
  6. Hi, I do a lot of interior decorating, and also do it professionally on SL. I have a youtube channel that showcases some of my builds: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo
  7. feeling pink πŸ‘½
  8. I'm willing to help if you still need it!
  9. Yay!! Got your application, thank you so much!
  10. Hi all! So I have been building on SL for a long time now. I have a YouTube channel that showcases some of my various recent builds, and due to a lot of the interest in my channel/videos, I've been getting more requests to do custom designing and building for people. Here's my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo I'm wanting to advertise my services, but I am not sure what to price my services at. I don't want to be unfair, but I also don't want to lowball myself. Does anyone have any advice in this area? Thank you so much!
  11. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Come on down today!! We hope to see you!
  12. Hi! We're hiring at Club K-Wave πŸ’œ Come check us out in world and grab an application! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kawaii Busan/146/128/2508
  13. Hi! I do a lot of decorating, and have a lot of experience. I have some of my various builds and things featured on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo Feel free to message me in-world if you are interested! -LuxuriousSin Resident
  14. Hi! We're hiring hosts at our club, K-Wave! Come pick up an application if you're interested It is an asian/k-pop themed club http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kawaii Busan/146/128/2508
  15. Wow, lovely portfolio! What is your pricing? Do you offer your items full perm or only copy/mod? Thank you!
  16. Hi! I do decorating and some landscaping. I have a youtube channel that features a lot of my work you can check out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitweirdo I especially do a lot of custom texturing, and thrive with having a theme If you're interested, feel free to message me in world! - LuxuriousSin Resident
  17. We run a sim called Kawaii Busan! It's centered around K-Pop, Korean culture, as well as some Japanese/Anime stuff! Please come check it out any time πŸ’œ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kawaii Busan/146/128/2508
  18. If you're into kawaii stuff, asian culture and k-pop, our sim tends to draw mainly the younger crowd. Feel free to visit any time! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kawaii Busan/146/128/2508
  19. Hello all! I recently made this memorial for Sulli and Jonghyun, the K-Pop idols who tragically took their lives. Click here to visit the memorial location. The memorial is up and available for anyone to visit and leave condolences. I also made this video of me building the memorial, if you would like to check it out πŸ’œ
  20. πŸ’œ Club K-Wave is hiring DJ's and Hosts! πŸ’œ ✨Who are we?✨ We are the #1 K-Pop club on Second Life! We are looking for staff members who will bring enthusiasm and love for k-pop and Asian culture! We are also hiring pop DJ's as well as K-Pop! Click here to visit us! We are located on Kawaii Busan, which is a full sim that we own! We have much more than just a club - we have a hangout, record store, kawaii town, rentals, and more! We have a great community of people who are passionate about K-Pop, anime, Asian culture, and all things kawaii! πŸ•What are we looking for?πŸ• We are hiring BOTH DJ's and Hosts!!! To apply, please visit Club K-Wave in world and pick up an application! Trusnowbunny Resident is in charge of hiring, so please return your filled in application to them! If you need any assistance, we usually have a staff member around to answer any questions, or help direct you to an application. πŸ‘½Other infoπŸ‘½ We are looking for reliable DJ's and hosts. This is a great opportunity to join a thriving community of K-Pop lovers! We treat our staff well and hold our staff to high standards. Our ideal staff members are reliable, drama-free, and know how to be professional 😊 Here is a speed edit video of when we first started decorating the club! A video of one of the many fully furnished rentals we have on sim: For more videos on the sim, check out 8bitLuxe on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Xo6oP8HWWe1w581dnuaEQ
  21. Do you love K-Pop? Are you a friendly and outgoing person who knows how to keep the party going? We're hiring! We do offer DJ training to the right individuals who show a true knowledge and love of K-Pop. Come visit us in world and pick up an application or send a notecard to TRUSnowBunny! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kawaii Busan/192/123/2510
  22. I would like to add that a passion and love of k-pop is a requirement. I have been getting inquiries from people who do not know k-pop. I am training Kawaii Busan DJ's only. Thanks!
  23. Do you love K-Pop? Are you a DJ? Do you want to be a DJ? Kawaii Busan is hiring K-Pop DJ's! We can also train you if you have no experience! Keep 100% of your tips! Great fun community! Message Luxe (luxurioussin) in world, or visit today! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isle of Torment/53/181/1792
  24. Hey! Are you into k-pop? Want a job spinning your favorite K-Pop tunes? Message me: LuxuriousSin on SL! I'm hiring k-pop dj's for our place, Kawaii Busan! Willing to train new dj's if they are well versed in k-pop! Keep 100% of your tips! Visit our sim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isle of Torment/56/195/1792 Inside the K-Pop hangout there is an office where the applications are. You can also message me for more info! Thanks!
  25. I don't use signature, but on maitreya I usually put tattoos on my underwear layer as it tends to disappear depending on the camera position when it's on tattoo layer for some reason.
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