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Asylum Habilis

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Posts posted by Asylum Habilis

  1. I'm literally not the one crying but okay. I don't think it's okay to try and ruin anyone's business without a very good reason and posting a different experience with the same person is just that, a different experience. You said it was a scam, I said that's not true. If you'd posted your problem without trying to disparage someone and be hostile, I would have instantly tried to see if I could add you. There was and remains no reason for your hostility. I was never attempting to 'take the lead' all I did was post a different experience in counter to your claim that someone was 'scamming' in an attempt to ruin their business instead of trying to be civil. Instead of capslocking and repeating scam, at any point you could've tried to be civil instead of redirecting more hostility. 

  2. 1. you don't have a group tag, so you cannot return the items. So that's a question answered. I assumed you'd rezzed it yourself because I assumed you wouldn't blame someone for not being able to return furniture when you aren't a member of the group. I apologize, I was wrong there.

    2. Your message was confusing, stating you messaged 'members of the group' and not 'I contacted the group owner' or 'i contacted iamyourneighbour' I'm a member of that group, but I'm not the group owner or the individual, understand? Saying you contacted 'members' means nothing. Members could mean tenants, members could mean the property owners, members could mean people in the wrong group. You left me to guess, and I made the wrong guess.  

    3. I rent at this property, I wasn't scammed, I'm having a lovely time, and you're disparaging someone for no reason, who has been nothing but pleasant and helpful to me. Like I said, you popped in here and immediately started accusing someone of scamming, which isn't right. It's not a scam. I'm sure they have a reason why they haven't been in touch because as I said, I'm also a renter and they've never been anything but pleasant and helpful. You should have stated your actual problem instead of being incendiary and calling people scammers. 

    4. The fact that you have one problem, that you aren't a member of the group, but you're pretending to have more (Ie, you're acting like it's a problem you can't return furniture when you know good and well why you can't return furniture) doesn't say much for your case. You shouldn't disparage people if you aren't going to be clear and demonstrate you know what you're talking about.

    5. This person has been helpful and nice to me. I have a demonstration of their personality. You have come in, yelled at people for scamming simply because they haven't replied to you, been unclear about who you even contacted, tried to add not being able to return furniture like it's a separate problem, and started off hostile. Maybe you contacted the wrong person. Maybe, if you weren't in here being combative and accusing 'the people in the group' of being rude to you without saying who you were in touch with that was rude or how you got in touch with 'the people in the group' (which caused me to think you were a member who just had a delay), people who rent here could have helped you with that.

    6. I believe the owner has RL obligations that keep them out of SL, because as I stated, I had to wait ~24 hours for contact. You never said how long you've been waiting. I'm sure if it's been less than that, they'll get back to you, and when they do you can ask them for credit for the wait. 

    ETA: I log in to the forums from my phone, but not into SL. They haven't been here for six hours, so they haven't seen this thread. Judging by the spelling on 'neighbour' they could be australian, which would make it not quite 7am and their last login would've been between 1-2am, I don't know how accurate the forum times are. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, trixxazinha said:

    This is true. I rented my house in this dump and had to ask the members of the group to help me put it on, they were rude and nobody did anything. 

    How did you send a group chat message to a group you aren't in? Why did you put stuff down in the apartment if you weren't in the group yet? That's probably why you can't get it back. 

    Anyway, I don't own the property. For anyone reading, it's not a scam, but apparently you might have some issues, there are issues with the group tag and you'll have to message them to get it if it isn't fixed. I wouldn't suggest putting things down on property until you have a group tag, if you're able to rez something at all. Peace.

  4. You've rented the place, you're in the group, you're having a technical issue and getting poor customer service. I'd suggest messaging iamyourneighbour and I think there's another owner, directly instead of using the group. The group is made up of tenants, they have no obligation to help you and some people are jerks. Tracking down the owner to call him a scammer because you can't pick up something you put down makes you look like one of them. 

    You could've started this whole thing with "I'm having issues at my place, and issues getting ahold of you and I need you to contact me ASAP." Odds are now, since we have rules about naming and shaming, this thread will probably be locked or at least responses deleted.

  5. Look, i'm not saying it's problem free, i'm saying it's not a scam. I've been there over a week and haven't had a single other problem. Having a problem does not mean you're being scammed and that's a really intense word to use against someone running a business.

  6. This isn't true. I didn't get my initial invite, I messaged iamyourneighbour and they sent me one. SL errored and I clicked "join" and nothing happened, and the invite disappeared. i messaged them again, they sent it again and also opened it so anyone could join just in case I had a problem, but I didn't. It did take ~24 hours to hear from them each time, but I'm assuming that's more about a time zone issue. I haven't had to utilize the group chat so I can't speak for others in it, but there's no scam.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

    Actually, I’m a bit mystified myself (almost to the point of a pet peeve, yes) about the whole notion of people with sophisticated avatars scoffing at being approached by those with cruder ones. I’ve talked to plenty who were more than interesting and nice enough, and I couldn’t care less if they’re still on a default av from 10 years ago; just as I’ve talked to many others who managed a very good one after less than a month, either with help or on their own, but were total idiots otherwise. Maybe I’m weird but, for me, avatar-making prowess is barely worth a once-over, and certainly not something I feel I have to make into a personal requirement.

    I agree. I was recently having a conversation with a noob and was messaged by a 4 year old avi asking why I was talking to them, and it's more than silly. Being new at second life doesn't mean you're a brand new just born infant person with nothing of interest in your life so you can't hold a conversation. If you're asking me why I'd bother talking to a month old avatar, I'm going to wonder if all you talk about is game mechanics. No, they don't know a lot about how SL works, but he gave me a damn good recipe for moussaka. 

    • Like 6
  8. My grandma is rolling her odometer this year, so I'm going to chicago for her centennial. She's a vampire who's looked exactly the same for the entirety of my life, I'm pretty sure she was turned when she was in her mid-70s. Other than that, I don't have too many plans. Just get through to 2020 when I can take another vacation. I go to new orleans every other year and in between I just tread water saving for the next trip. One day I'll move there but til then I'll just hang out in big easy theme sims. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

    Sounds like you are in one of those huge towers of blue domes that blight the SL skylines or something similar. Skyboxes are generally not allowed in these, you need to stay inside your dome.

    No, I'm not. I worded the post a little confusing, I'd set up a skybox around 1700 ft to play with it (I took it down after I made the post) I'm in a ground level sim set up like a neighborhood not far from the main road. I'm not trying to set up a dance club or a shop, the place I have on the land is just a bit cramped and difficult to navigate but I've already paid up for a couple weeks. The idea was putting my bedroom in the skybox and staying below my total prim count. I've found another spot on the same sim with the same prim count but just one big square room, so the plan now is to finish out my rental time and then move.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm new to apartment rentals but I'm sure someone here can lemme know. Is there an etiquette to putting a skybox on a rented space? I'm well below my prim count at the moment and plan to continue to respect it (I'm at 52/200 right now) but should I ask my landlord first or something?  I'm not paying for tier or anything, just clicked a rental box by an apartment and i'm around 1700ft, when I forgot to set a landmark I did see a couple boxes floating around as i flew back up. Is it no rules but prim count and proximity and of course, minding you stay on your parcel? 

  11. I'm thinking it'd be fun to start an SL blog, catalog what I'm up to a bit, but I'm also really looking for bloggers to follow. Tumblr seems mostly dead for SL (and unsuitable with their new regulations) is there any platform with an active SL community? Also, if any of you have blogs, please add a link!

  12. UGH I'm unboxing all my xmas stuff, and I'll tell you. A box inside a box because you wanted to put it in a christmas box but instead of putting the thing in it, you put the already boxed item from whatever other freebie you were running inside another box! You know we don't see the christmas box but for a second, right? Then we delete it? And never think about it again? 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  13. yeah, the wheat field is a lot smaller than I remember.

    As for my recently rented apartment: 

    Aesthetics: It's got a slummy chinatown feel. It's not for everybody but I'm digging it. There were some same-priced nicer looking places in a different spot on the sim, but they were too close to the main road, you could see it from the front door, which has the typical SL aesthetics so it ruined my immersion. I went with the dumpier place deeper inside.

    Amenities/Infrastructure: That is not a thing. There are some shops not far, but that's about it. Most of the buildings around me are empty shell deco objects with a projection I'd describe as 'dirty building.'

    Neighborhood: The neighborhood is AMAZING. I love everyone who lives here, we're all best friends. I...am the only one who lives here.

    Cost of living: Very cheap. Cheapest rent-to-prim ratio I could find, and it's still a decent size.

    Safety/Security: The doors don't close or lock, definite points off there. I do wish I had that. I don't like asking for things or bothering people so I just found some cheap locking doors and popped them in the doorways.

    Freedom of movement: There's a parcel down the alley a bit from my apartment that's ban lined, going in that direction leads you to other ban parcels so if you take the wrong turn you end up stuck. Walk the other way though, smooth sailing through the rest of the sim and onto the main road. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Aesthetics: It's a wheat field, which is almost as good as a corn field. Score: 8

    Community: It's generally uninhabited, but I have met a body or two there over the years. Score: 8

    Amenities/Infrastructure: A wireless set, dining table/china cabinet, windmill, vintage airplane, and a steam locomotive I've been trying to steal for 10 years. Score: 8

    Neighborhood: I'm not even sure it's in a neighborhood, I've never been tempted to find out. Score: 8

    Cost of Living: Free. Score: 8

    Safety/Security: A decade of unsuccessful attempts to steal the locomotive makes this place the definition of secure. Score: 8

    Freedom of Movement: It doesn't get any freer than running across a wheat field in high heels. Score: 8

    Overall Score: 8

    wow, that place is still there? I don't remember the name of it, just that I loved being there in 08. Thank you for reminding me. Let's steal a train.

    • Like 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    I have a "New to Second Life - Click Me"  picture and content giver in the foyer of my store.  It gives a notecard mainly with links to find  help and links where to get some free stuff (I probably need to update it).  I have no idea if anyone ever clicked it and over time it has moved from an obvious place to a less obvious place.  I will go back and revisit it this week and update it.  Just to do my little bit :/ 

    When I started looking at mesh avatars it was because i saw a furry that was just amazing looking. I ended up at a shop marveling at all the colors and parts. I found a shop that had a notecard like this, telling me all the stuff you need and how the parts and skins are different and purchased separately. Without that, I might have bought something I couldn't use and then been on an expensive hunt to retro fit the whole thing! Anyway, I feel like notecards are very helpful for those of us that take the time to read them, and I feel like those of us that take the time to read them are probably more successful when it comes to enjoying the game.

    • Like 2
  16. Timeout demos drive me nuts! I want to cycle through my AO and look at my most frequent animations to see if I can properly set up the alpha without nonsense. I wear a lot of corsets so that stuff is important to me and can be difficult. I've never gotten a new demo, I just nevermind on the product and buy something else.

    • Like 2
  17. Honestly, tone policing someone who's trying to make a general post about how to get their money is ridiculous. As a shopper, I have zero need or incentive to try to express to businesses in a highly competitive field how to get my purchase. The people who tell you, are taking time out of their day to do so, whether they're being nice or not. We can just go somewhere else. Especially when we see things like this and have to figure out if I'm being nice and sweet and courteous enough to the person who is trying to get me to buy their stuff. I have money, you want money. You have clothes, but so does every other shop in the vicinity. If people aren't spending with you, maybe the examples here are why. If they aren't presented in the cotton candy cloud soft quilted northern way you need them, then ignore them and if these problems are why you aren't making money, maybe eventually someone will come and wrap you in a fleece blankie and gently spoon them into your mouth like warm milk. 

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    • Thanks 1
  18. 7 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

    I once got really great pointers from quite a few residents after participating in an even on how I could improve a couple of the things I was selling at the time, and a couple of the items that were just gifts. Not all of the pointers were ones I could use, but it was still nice to hear them, and it was even better when they were presented to me as precisely that and NOT "ZOMG you're doing it all WRONG, worst experience ever". 

    Then it's really great this wasn't a notecard directed at Tari Landar's shop, isn't it? It's a general post with an example. Everyone who disagrees is going to some pretty lengthy efforts to personalize it so they can find fault. I agree this would be a highly inappropriate way to approach an individual vendor, but that's not what's happening here, it's just being perceived that way to turn the thread into tone policing instead of addressing the issues presented which again, turned me away as well as the OP.

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