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Missy Starchild

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  1. When I find an item I like, and it's not on the marketplace but rather in a store. Then I go that store, and every item is a million tiny preview images spread out over a massive area so I never find what I was looking for. Argh.
  2. Those rare people who start offering to buy me things or give me Ls within 5-10 minutes of meeting me, which I just had some guy do forcing me to block him because he kept insisting despite me repeatedly saying "no". Talk about putting me on the spot and making me uncomfortable.
  3. Granted, but they disappear and never come back again. I wish I had unlimited mustard.
  4. So I found that display setting and I think I'm in the clear at 670k triangles? But it's also startling to see just how many are walking around with 1-2m, probably completely unaware.
  5. Hot coffee on a cold November day... there's nothing quite like it.
  6. This is what I wonder. Since complexity is basically made up, how do I tell if my avatar is too complex and making others' experience worse? What should I be looking at?
  7. This one is infuriating. In the middle of a conversation and someone wants to TP me which I accept? Boom, random hang and inevitable crash for absolutely no reason. And it happens SO often.
  8. Granted, but they always find things that have something small wrong with them that ends up ruining it. I wish I didn't have the desire to edit my avatar every 5 minutes.
  9. Through frustrating trial and error, if you're hard-headed enough.
  10. Be me, who regularly searches for things on the MP. See an item that looks pretty good, but suddenly: "Demo is at our store!" Pass. Moving on.
  11. Ah yes, it isn't the person constantly bringing up Reborn who's shoving it down people's throats, it's the one responding to the person bringing it up. Surely. I'm starting to think you're just a really dedicated troll with too much time on your hands.
  12. Cursed is an understatement. But I do find it heartwarming how in the end the pants just needed a friend to fill that empty space inside them ❤
  13. Granted, but you can only understand them when they're spoken by others, not speak them yourself. I wish I was anywhere but work.
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