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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. It wouldn't be weird if I asked what that body skin was? She looks absolutely lovely, especially her hair and the shading on her breasts!
  2. Legacy Meshbody sent out a "switch" promo message trying to entice me, a Reborn user, to switch to their ridiculously heavy, HUD reliant crap. Been there, done that, nooooo thank you.
  3. People who don't use turning indicators or use them incorrectly. I had some idiot cut in front of me and then a few moments later absolutely JAM the brakes to make his turn. Oh but he made sure to turn on the indicator after he almost brake checked me into the next universe so I guess that makes it okay!
  4. And Zelda understands red eyeballs. BULMA
  5. Scary nightmares or wacky yodeling? FLARP.
  6. I never thought Eric needed tequila. SWARM
  7. Every xenomorph ass likes touching. BARF!
  8. Trying out a skin only to find out it has extremely badly done shine/gloss that completely ruins it. Whyyyy do creators do this?
  9. Ah yes, my favourite combination of two of the worst things on the MP... timed demos and 1L demos. Like some kind of supervillain with the powers of passive aggression is the one selling it.
  10. Timed demos. I already have a logo floating above my head, so what exactly is the point? What if I want to spend time using demos to make sure a new fit looks right, but then my pants poof off? In my experience they're extremely rare though so it's just a small nitpick.
  11. I don't normally judge, but when I saw multiple people in a place that were over 100k+ complexity and they were like... classic avatars that didn't even look that well designed? Like what could you possibly be wearing that you need to lag the server so bad? One of them was a MLP avatar that was 120k+! I'm seeing this issue so frequently now for some reason. I top out at 33k-70k depending on outfit and extra bits and bobbles that are needed. What's their excuse?
  12. I love meeting others with the same last name so I could not care less if mine was used by 1, 10, 20, etc other people. We're like one big family of Starchilds.
  13. "Best we can do is a dress showing way too much skin and jeans that are shoved all the way up ya asscrack"
  14. Update 1.69.6 has dropped. Time to update my entire outfits list for the second time this week 🙃
  15. The colours on this one really pop and the whole picture is like eye candy. Rawr.
  16. Don't mind me, just flying from shop to shop, server to server looking for all the gifts I can snatch up. 😉 I got a cool butterfly crown out of it, a few SFW dresses (desperately needed for my Ebody), and some sparkle effects which go beautifully well with the crown, among other things.
  17. Face/body freckles and moles, or just any body imperfections of that type really, can really make your avie look so much more lifelike. Highly highly recommend.
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