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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. I know. I have had people tell me before that I was naked for a little bit, hence my concern.
  2. I play almost exclusively female avatars. Since it's a virtual world and I have many tools at my disposal to deal with potential trolls and/or @ssholes, I rarely ever feel vulnerable at all to others around me. However, there is always a bit of unease when I reject a guy's advances because I have no idea how he is going to respond; many times, they keep badgering me until I block. Another time, I told a guy "No" and he left nasty remarks on my dashboard (thank god for the option to disallow comments). The ONLY time I feel any kind of vulnerability is when I rezz into a General or Moderate area and my clothes are not loaded. "Please PLEASE load before an admin sees me" I say as I panic to myself.
  3. Mosquito season. I hate the little b@stards with a passion and I actively want to destroy them when I know they're nearby waiting to chow down on me. Recently I was camped in the bathroom and noticed I had a bite. It was fresh so I knew it was somewhere nearby. Haha, found you hiding on the wall! *SMACK*
  4. My avatar is always changing and evolving, but the one thing that rarely ever changes is I almost always try to include at least one thing that's coloured pink (my favourite). Hair, clothes, wristbands, lipstick, even the text on my shirt can have it as long as it's there somewhere. It's a key identifier of my internet persona and "look" and has been for a long time now. So it was logical that the very next avatar I made was almost all pink!
  5. I have been many characters over my decade or so in SL, so I'm kind of always changing my form. I have been a woman named Mikayla, woman named Charlotte, and an alien... also named Charlotte. But as of now, I am known as Missy Starchild, a cutesy, flamboyant, aggressively jubilant human/dino shapeshifter hailing from parts unknown who loves excessive shopping, hanging out at music clubs, and avatar creation (which I specialize in and am generally addicted to). I'm a member of the LGBT community irl and I am a transwoman, so the shapeshifter aspect of Missy really appeals to me. I never judge anyone, am always up front and honest, and I love to try and spice things up if it seems a little too quiet for my liking. Sometimes I cannot decide if I'm playing a character or just playing as me. I like to think it's a healthy blend of both.
  6. Naw you're not alone. It's astonishing just how many men will lead with that kind of ***** and think it's cute? I think this perception of a darker skin colour says a lot more about them than they realize and it is a HUGE red flag to me. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that bullsh!t irl.
  7. I have been on other forums where this exact scenario has played out with regards to sockpuppet trolls, and it does become hard to trust whether someone is genuine or not, so I totally understand that perspective now because it's made me paranoid before. I myself am more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt (unless there's massive red flags), but that's just me and I understand if others feel differently.
  8. TIL Tampico citrus punch is actually terrible and I'll never waste money on it again
  9. Maybe I'm just naive but why would anyone be suspicious of a stranger/newbie they don't know anything about? That just seems really weird and immature to me.
  10. I feel you there. My ebody's calves are not only short, they are also weirdly thick compared to everything else on my body. It's like the one complaint I have and I dream of there being an actual slider one day to fix it. Oh well!
  11. I loathe this. When I'm trying out demos of new skins, I have to sort through all these ridiculous (kind of offensive?) names trying to find exactly what I want. For human Missy (I am a dragon/human hybrid) I have settled on the Skinnery's "ebony" anyway, which I've already worn for quite a while now (seen in my avatar + photos). I've tried in vain to find a darker skin that matches its outstanding quality but it's just not there. Oh well!
  12. I have been in the world of SL since 2013, been on and off these forums since 2018. I have not seen meaningful change in either. Like in SL, people here are helpful, accommodating, and there's just a very chill relaxed vibe most of the time. I've always been able to post about whatever and no one has ever given me sh!t for it. I consider browsing these forums a great way to kill time for this reason. It helps massively that I have engaged in exactly ZERO arguments in those 5 years, which is weird because in other places I kind of seek it out lol. Bad habit I guess.
  13. So I got my avatar somewhere where I quite like her. Still undecided on pink eyes or blue eyes, but I went with the blue for now. I took freckles and made them white so they would look like coloured spots adorning her skin. Thank you so much for your help, Miss Ninetails! Without you I would have had no idea where to start lol.
  14. I just ended up putting a necklace in that spot to hide it, and it looks cute and fits her well. Do you have any recommendations for eyes? I know I'm asking a lot, but I've genuinely struggled to find eyes for my Fairy Dragon head. I don't know if they have to be specifically made FOR this head (I didn't yet get to test if others I have work). She is coming together well and I'm finally getting to a look I am happy with, but it's still not quite there yet. Even when I finish I know I'm going to keep adding to and editing her an insane amount lol.
  15. I have bought the SG Fairy Dragon head and this kit https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UMBRAStrawberrySmoothie/24791861 I cannot seem to understand why the BOM option in the HUD does not work? And neither does the Discord help or marketplace links work either? Maybe I just haven't equipped a head texture (it remains red) but I don't see an obvious one in this kit beyond head shine. I'm kind of lost here. EDIT: Nevermind I am an idiot, I was wearing an alpha to remove my head while demoing the Stalker head and forgot about it. D'oh. There does seem to be a strange neck seam wearing this head with Ebody and the classic avatar. Is this normal?
  16. My vision for this avatar is more dino/Argonian like so that is much appreciated. I'll be checking out a lot of these stores when I get home. Looks like I have a lot of research to do! Thanks for your help!
  17. I want to make my first non-human avatar and I've decided I want to make a humanoid lizard person. Where do I start with her? Are there specific head/tail/body brands? Can I keep using my ebody? I'd love to hear some tutorials or recommendations!
  18. I swear every single time without fail, I find a nice dark skin/face combo, but it has some cartoonish shine that absolutely ruins it. Please recommend me some shops that do NOT do this infuriating crap.
  19. I say it when I start changing clothes/face/hair/shape and it's just not clicking like my current avatar does so I go back to what works, like I have reached my avatar's peak look. Changed my shape to be skinnier once, but it didn't feel right. I removed my rolls once, didn't feel like the same character. I tried to go back to my older avatar for a little bit, but I didn't like her as much anymore so I permanently went back to Missy. And I will stay as her until I make something that absolutely blows me away, which is highly unlikely.
  20. Feminine electricity makes men ecstatic. HAPPY
  21. I don't care for SL water anyway, I just set it to transparent and that's that. SL already chugs enough and we don't really need something hardly anyone will notice making it struggle even harder.
  22. Omg I thought I was alone in this. When someone compliments me it's like I freeze up and I don't know how to respond to it so I just... don't?
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