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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. In SL: people who run around randomly IMing for Lindens. Go away and stop wasting my time. In RL: smacking and general mouth noises while eating, because it drives me absolutely insane.
  2. Peasants or stupid territorial sharks? SHARP
  3. Nevermind, I found it, I'm just blind apparently.
  4. Forgive me for my confusion, but I'm not sure where to find this option. Is it only in the full release?
  5. I tried the demo, and I wanted to like it, I really did, because the curviness of the thighs and butt is absolutely beautiful. But even with deformers, the breasts are always big honking mommy milker bazongas at all times, and... eh, not really a fan of that. Maybe one day I'll give it another shot.
  6. I made the switch to Legacy Perky a few months ago, and I don't regret it one bit; it's just the right amount of curvy, and its bake on mesh capabilities are a game-changer for me because I can add in (and just as easily remove) so many little details that TMP and the first iterations of Legacy were just not capable of. Every time I go back and compare old photos of my avatar to her now, the new Charlotte makes them all look like absolute garbage. My only complaint is that trying to use fit deformers (in the RARE times I need them) tends to completely break the scripting, necessitating a redelivery. So that's a little weird.
  7. I average between 50-60k with mesh everything, anything above 100k is a no no for me. I once had one hair I really liked that shot me up to 125k and I sadly had to ditch it
  8. 90% of my time is spent as a human woman. I once spent a couple of months as an alien, and I do occasionally play as a potato or Sonic the Hedgehog for sh*ts n giggles.
  9. I don't have any pictures of my old avatar from 2013, but I still have her saved in my inventory, so I went back to the place where it all began... Freebie Galaxy.
  10. When someone who could just move along decides to nitpick something in your bio for no particular reason. I had something about Black Lives Matter in my bio once, and some dummy IMed me to call a *****, told me to get lost and stop messaging them (they messaged me first, mind you), and then blocked me. ???
  11. 1. Goth style, colourful clothing, just looking unique is what stands out as most attractive to me. 2. Plump, thin, curvy, any one of them works for me as long as you don't look like a blow-up doll. I greatly dislike those kinds of avatars.
  12. Thread/title. I can't get my usual system head's neck to blend with the body, and TMP head I bought a while ago doesn't fit the look I'm going for. Does anyone have any suggestions or places I could look?
  13. When I see a super nice but expensive item in a marketplace and it doesn't have a demo for me to try
  14. I have to say Legacy's alpha feature where I can just hide parts of my avatar is a breath of fresh air compared to the original TMP. Clothes that I bought that I couldn't wear because my av clipped through them and the alpha layer didn't work, I can now wear the vast majority of them. It's somehow got a better ass too which is like the main reason I've stuck with this body, and it's one of the few that caters to petite avatars like myself. The only downside I would say is that I couldn't find a way to solidly blend the neck with the system avatar head and skin that I'd grown fond of, but luckily I still have a TMP head I'm equally fond of and it blends quite nicely.
  15. How do y'all get such clear images 😧 Anyway, at the beach messing with Firestorm's sky settings:
  16. - Literally any time I forget to rez in at my home, and I end up landing on top of a dancing couple... or even worse. - When my clothes haven't rezzed yet, and for like six seconds I seriously think I'm about to be kicked from a server. - That time I invited a friend to try Second Life and we ended up somehow using dirty poseballs together. There was just... awkward silence. - In my noob days I used to wear hair with large DEMO wording above it. Fun times
  17. I've always used TMP just because it was my first mesh, I'm used to it, and I'm not shelling out for another body type lol The only downside is the HUD, which loads slow or sometimes refuses to load at all. But I'm happy with it. It just feels like me and that's all that matters
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