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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. I was told by the person who invited me that it's completely normal there. It was a very professional looking place, had a good setup with a DJ and all, and then that's allowed? No standards I guess, just get as much traffic in as possible and let them do whatever to keep them there. Damn shame.
  2. In RL: people who ride my ass in the rain going 10+ over the limit. Are you suicidal or am I missing something? In SL: coming to places I think are going to be new and exciting, but then local chat is just constant gesture spam nonsense. I was invited to a very nice looking dance club yesterday, but local sounded like mfing WW2 or some crap in the background. Completely ruined the vibe.
  3. Good lord that suit and beard choice is such a clean combo.
  4. Thank you, I'll wear the name proudly! I originally wanted Missy Amethyst but it was taken. Grrr.
  5. I worked on an entirely new character over the course of this week, as I've been meaning to do, so say hello to Missy Starchild. I reused some elements like my usual av's face freckles, but they look cute on Ms. Starchild so I reused them anyway. It must be said that I'm starting to like her a whole lot more than I ever did my other one:
  6. I don't know why I didn't consider either of those two options. Facepalm. Thank you both, it really helps me out in converting all my outfits to this new (spectacular!) body.
  7. Is there any way to export alphas with this body? It'd be a bit irritating if I really have to go into the HUD and hide my legs every time I want to change outfits sine nothing seems to auto hide. Otherwise, I just bought it and fallen in love with it, a very very easy switch from Legacy for me.
  8. I'm good with my Erin head and all the numerous Evo X cosmetics I got for it. I'm not ditching all of that just to go searching for compatible stuff all over again, sorry.
  9. It looks like she has a skin layer covering the tattoo because her outfit is telling it to do so based on the order she initially equipped it. She can fix this by going to her outfit, then tabbing on attachments to the right, right clicking on anything there and selecting "edit outfit", and then using the up and down arrows to make sure the tattoo is placed a layer above the breast texture she has on.
  10. Browsing the virtual marketplace... find something I might like. "Demo can only be found at our store" Sigh. I get you have to draw buyers to your place, but I'm lazy and I don't feel like going. Pass.
  11. It looks like your issue is that the system avatar is poking out through your mesh body. I assume you are using the Legacy body, yes? You can equip the Legacy HUD, click the middle of the three icons on the left, click the image of sliders on the upper right, and then there will be an "Apply BOM" option. This will apply your clothes and any other details you decide to add to the body, AND get rid of the pesky system body. As for the eyebrows, maybe your skin has eyebrows on the texture itself? Or your Evo X head has eyebrows you can take off by using "clear" in the HUD. And the lips, when you switch to a mesh head while still using a particular shape, parts of the head can look strange unless you adjust the sliders to make it look more normal again.
  12. I've experimented a lot over the years. Don't ask what happened in the first 2022 photo, because I don't even know. Some of these (2013-2021) aren't as clear as I'd like because they're the only images I have of those particular avatars, found buried in my snapshots. Bless bake on mesh. It changed everything for me.
  13. This is the one! They're so cute and I love that the braids bounce when I walk! Thank you everyone for your recommendations, just know I checked each and every one I could find. Lots of love.
  14. Does anyone know of a store or somewhere that I can find a hairstyle that looks like this? I found ONE that was really close on the marketplace, but it had a few nitpicks that made me decide against it. So here I am asking the forums for help:
  15. Serious peeve: people who slow almost to a crawl a gazillion feet before their turn, but they never turn on their blinker so I know wth they're slowing down for.
  16. In RL: Just being alive. Two years ago during the pandemic, I was at my lowest point and came to the conclusion many times that being of this Earth was just no longer for me. Today, I have a therapist, a high(ish) paying job, and my day-to-day mood has never been better. Things are looking up! In SL: When someone compliments my avatar out of the blue. Feels like validation of the design decisions I've made regarding her and reassurance that my days of looking like a dead eyed clay zombie are well and truly over.
  17. Oh god my brother always does it and it drives me wild. AND I hate the cold, too. When I lived in PA my family could never figure out why I didn't want to go out in the snow. It's because my frikken hands are FREEZING, people!
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