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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. Those tattoos look incredible! It's one area that can add a very stylistic flair to an avatar and hoo boy does it do it to him. Absolute hottie.
  2. As a person who runs with a very short avatar (by SL standards), you learn to live with it and you learn to love it.
  3. She probably wonders why every server she enters lags like hell. "Why are other people in SL so crazy with their avatars? It ruins the place for everyone else!", she stammers angrily.
  4. I changed my named from epiclolz to Missy Starchild about two (??) months ago, and I have seen exactly zero differences in my usual activities in Second Life. The only thing that would've been affected would be my friends list, but seeing as I rarely keep any true "friends" in this game beyond my irl sister, I don't think they'll care too much
  5. Cannot stand those coworkers who sit on their azz not doing anything all day but they get away with it because they're friends with the boss. 🤬
  6. Jennifer Carpenter is that you? I think I found your avatar's celebrity lookalike!
  7. I tried all of the above. I already mentioned I took off everything but the body, I even double checked. I'm at a loss at to why this is happening.
  8. Has anybody else had an issue with this body where, no matter what your breast cleavage is set at (and resetting the avatar), after like a minute the breasts are pushed way apart for basically no reason? I tried resetting the cache and taking everything off that wasn't the body, but the problem persists. I know it's not an issue visible to others because it looks normal to my alt, but it's starting to peeve me off because it looks awful to me.
  9. "Should more gay elements be added to Second Life?" (The answer is yes.)
  10. I can laugh at it, but yeah, I respect the skill it takes to make even these. And I would buy and eat the hell outta that Minion cake, the cartoonish style actually looks fantastic!
  11. When you been here for one year, five years, a decade, you see a lot of places come and go. It's just a fact of life that nothing lasts forever, even in the virtual world. You just find a new comfort place, you move on, and that's that.
  12. This was my kitty Phoebe, and I loved her to bits. She was so playful and energetic, just a wild thing. I say "was" because since I never technically owned her, my dad who did own her gave Pheebers (my nickname for her) away without even asking me if I wanted her. I'm still bitter over it almost two years later.
  13. I have two: 1. I love being able to help new people figure out the unintuitive mess that is SL, like helping them figure out how to make their avatar look better, or teaching them how to use in-world objects. I learned it all the hard way and I don’t want them to try the same, then get frustrated/discouraged and quit. 2. When you bought every part of an avatar, you put them together, then you step back to look at your creation and the look just instantly clicks with you.
  14. Don't feel too bad, I'm 10 and it took me 9 SL birthdays to figure it out. And only because someone sent one to me and it finally clicked. And don't get me wrong, I do LOVE gestures,. I use them and I laugh at a lot of them because they're funny af. It's when it gets ear piercing that I take issue with it. Which is very very rare, mind you.
  15. At times I miss 2013, back when I was a newbie who had no idea how anything worked and everything felt so fresh and new. It was like magic. Sometimes, to take a trip back in time, I go to sims that haven't been updated ever since then and I equip my old avatar to get fully immersed. Then that sim makes my computer lag and stutter like crazy, and said avatar looks like garbage, then suddenly I don't miss it so much anymore.
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