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Jaenie Crystal

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Everything posted by Jaenie Crystal

  1. lol ok these are group gift from VALUXIA. Group join is L$10. A bit old school SL, a bit simple. But well worth the price!
  2. Thanks for you all, I'm finding some good stuff. I'll try to post pics and links. Wow I haven't rally dabbled in earrings before in SL. I'm surprised that they're rigid. I realize that if they weren't they'd swing into you head and neck. But I think I'd be more OK with that than the gravity-defying stiff ones. What do you think?
  3. I've been searching my brains out for a nice pair of chandbali or kundan earrings, especially the simpler kind that look like plain metal doilies. I searched through hundreds of pages on the Market Place until my eyes bleed. And when I think I've found it... almost every store with quality work has no demos! 😬 I did DM one such shop owner and she was more than happy to create a demo for me... but what a painful way to shop! Does anyone have suggestions for shops with demos? (Yes, I know that Zaara has beautiful earrings with demos, but they have a very limited selection with only have one example of this style and it's not really what I'm after...) You know... like this:
  4. I started trying to make a realistic Korean avie almost as soon as I joined in 2009. It was not easy back then. Most head and skin designers did not seem to know what Asian facial/bone structure is actually like. It was frustrating to see creators slap a Caucasian skin onto a head, crank up the out corner of the eyes and advertise it as Asian. That's a caricature, and an offensive one really. So, I began a lonely journey down this years-long rabbit hole, tweaking, tweaking tweaking. Fortunately, in recent years, designers have begun to understand Asian cheekbones, nose bridges, eye sockets, eyelids, eyebrows, etc. Here's where I'm at today. This photo is a pure screenshot - no photochopping. Lastly, if there's one thing I've learned in all of this, when you've tweaked your shape into a dark corner of the ugly room, set it all to 50s and start over -- don't try to tweak your way out of it! EvoX Ceylon + Moccino Gia + Velour Porcelain + 100% custom shape.
  5. I've never understood why setting a home location is so restricted. The only purpose it serves is where to land if you "die", as the docs put it. My friend had trouble setting up her land/group to let me use her place as my home. So, I still have land I haven't rented for nearly a decade as my home. Really seems like a lot of nonsense to me. You should be able to make any location your home. I mean, baring some sort of hard restriction, you can TP anywhere you want, right?
  6. I have a few flexi hairdos left over from the ol' days. There's one in particular that I still wear on a regular basis, DrLife Yi, as shown in the photo. But, it's nevertheless still old and lower quality and lower resolution. Are there any hair makers still doing flexi of higher quality and resolution? I've love to get a new hair that has better texture, smoother strands and at least as good flow. Is it even possible or is it just that no one does it anymore? I've looked and looked in the Marketplace, but I haven't found any of the more modern, mesh quality. Thanks!
  7. The So-Far fashion show... all of these I've tweaked with size, etc. I've already shown your the FACESHOP. Nice-ish, but I believe the ones here have better workmanship. "No Drive" - from No Match. Sorry, but in my experience all of No Match's hair do not look as refined as their advertisements. Their advertisements look like some of the best, modern hair in SL. Then you wear it and it looks like clumpy classic avie hair πŸ˜› The frustrating part is that there is hair with far better texture ... but not as imaginative as No Match's styles. If No Match just put a bit more effort into the textures they rule the Hair-i-verse! "Raf" - from Modulus. The mesh hair is just around the crown, while my Dura hair baes covers the rest. Cut in it's own way and possible my favorite so far. This actually worked better when I was "Raf" and "Josef" together, adding a bit of a peak in front. T R E N T - from CL. Yeah... no... I suppose if I was going for a cyberpunk thing with cyborg gear on the side of my head this would be cool. But, it's a bit too Grace Jones for me And then... AND THEN... it's one of those timing-out demos. AND THEN.. not only can you no longer wear it after the time limit, but look at what it did to me!!! Double clicking on the expired hair actually replaced my Lelutka head. The nerve! Seriously though, it totally turned me off from any interest in whatever else this brand might have to offer You need more time to evaluate something like this, going back and forth between hair styles. The only recourse is to download multiple times (maybe copy works, I dunno.) How annoying. OK, rant over...
  8. So, I tried it and I'm sorry to be a... buzz kill. πŸ˜„ I was hoping for something with a bit more volume. While the hair does have a few 3D bits added to it, overall it's pretty much a flat, smooth, wearable mesh hair base that has a very classic avie look to it. The demo makes it difficult to get a good feel with the myriad of security features (colors, lettering. etc. Dunno why they can't have the hair look normal and add floaty demo prims. As well, the HUD doesn't work with the demo.) So here's what it looks like on me, on the left. The next image is the hair base I usually wear when I want a buzz cut. With that said... now that I see them side by side, the Faceshop hair does seem to be an improvement over what I had first... but I'm just missing the spikiness πŸ˜• But, your idea gave me more to search on, "pixie"! And I found these. Though they are still hair bases, they are still higher quality than what you or I have brought to the search so far. Still hoping for a true buzz though... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NO-Anne-Style-EvoX-Hair-Base-Tattoo/23381196 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NO-Mia-Style-2-Hair-Bases-Highlight-Layer/23283255 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NO-Kate-Style/23289760
  9. Hello Everyone, My eyeballs are bleeding from sifting through the marketplace and whatever muscle does teleports is sore from looking for a buzz cut/short clipped hair that is not just a hair base but is an actually wearable hair. I'd love to find the style in the first photo -- color doesn't matter. I like the spikiness. The second photo is super cute and couldn't mind that either, again that's hair. Some of the hair bases do look nice, but it's just not the same. Even if it's a men's hair, that's OK! Something! Anything! Please, save my eyes and my teleporting muscle and help me! Thank you! Jaenie
  10. FWIW, for posterity, I was playing around with the object edit and tried Full Bright (on a white piece of clothing) with 0.03 glow and it was reasonable at midnight, noon and inbetween. Instead of looking like it was glowing it had the effect of being a lighted object, like luminescent film which looks lighted without emitting glow. It does make the texture look a bit like old school SL, but over all I rather like the effect. Anyhow... YMMV
  11. Now I feel like a loser who still uses <blink> tags 😫😫😫 J/K ^^ . Thanks for the advice πŸ₯° Jaen
  12. Hello Everyone, I have one dress which has a HUD for setting glow. I have another dress which is modifiable for which I can edit the item and set the glow manually. Both exhibit a glow "blowout" in brighter environments, when I would expect brighter environments to washout the glow. For example, if I have a flashlight at night, it really contrasts with the dark around it. But, the same flashlight on a sunny day would seem dim because of its relative brightness to the sun. So, here are two images of me dancing in the dress that I edited to have a glow of 0.1, at the same place, but with the on on the left at midnight and the one on the right at midday. Is there a way to get around this, other than making multiple copies of the dress/using a HUD to have the right glow for the right environment? I wouldn't mind if it behaved like RL (as if dresses glowed in RL 😁) and glow was all but undetectable in bright light and then as the sun set, I started glowing πŸ‘» Thank you ^^ Jaen
  13. Thank you moirakathleen. I think I will file a ticket. I go to some of the Korean sims sometimes and ask. So have, no luck. Most of them are using Windows, for which there is a known path for getting hangul to work properly. Also, the people I have encountered there have their systems set to Korean by default (so they see everything on their computer in hangul). Def not going to make my computer default to Korean... it'd take me 10 times longer to get anything done Jaenie
  14. No one? :( . Please help me solve this. I don't want to use Firestorm. So weird... My profile shows hangul just fine, but my tag doesn't. And chat doesn't.
  15. Hi Lindal, Yes, a few of them. As I mentioned, I can see hangul just fine in Firestorm, Google Hangouts and other apps. I type hangul in one, then switch apps to SL Viewer and get boxes, to another application, hangul works just fine. In OSX Pages I generally use Apple SD Gothic Neo just fine. The default MacOS font (Lucida Grande) has Korean built in and should be working just fine. For the record, it doesn't matter how I enter hangul into chat, it shows up as boxes, whether I use the keyboard/interface switcher, cut and paste from a website, text file, or word processor. As I've researched this, it seems that many fonts on MacOS seem to not be single-language sets. I'm starting to think that the default font for the SL Viewer, like the ones I've mentioned above, does not have hangul built in. When a font has no representative for a requested character... it prints a box. Another though... I know people who have their Macs set to use Korean as the default language. They have no problem with SL Viewer. Perhaps viewer might be relying on that setting and will not recognize character sets outside of that language? In other words, this is a View bug. I only kinda know what I'm talking about 😁 FWIW... hangul = ν•œκΈ€ Seem to work great in Chrome πŸ˜› Jaenie ... um 미영 😁
  16. I'm using the latest SL VIewer and the latest MacOS, and I can see Korean letters (hangul) just fine in Firestorm and every other application on my Mac. But in the SL Viewer it always shows as little boxes. Some years ago this worked fine in the SL Viewer and then all of a sudden with an update it went from hangul to boxes. I've been trying to figure this out since then and no advice nor suggestion has worked. 😒 Just looking for more ideas. Please, do you have any? Jaenie
  17. 2019... still happening. Listed as fixed in the bug tracker. πŸ™„
  18. Hi SL Universe, I know a thousand variations on this question have been asked, but I cannot find the answer to this exact one. I'm wondering, since I am already completely verified in SL with a verified PayPal account, would I then be able to take a Visa gift card I know I'm getting for my birthday (😁) and put it right into my SL account to then buy $L? Thanks! Jaenie
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