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Posts posted by FeralDew

  1. I just found this, I am going to check it out. I just want to make basic shirts and pants and add my paint designs or 3d models to them for seasonal clothing or something like that. Like a reindeer head sticking out of a pocket spot. Just basic stuff that takes little to no effort. But I am having a hard time understanding Blender, not like when I took Graphic Design/ Programming/ web-design and multimedia/ or Audio and film in Highschool. This thing is like...Some timewarp crud predating prehistoric times. Kind of like a bad math experiment except worse... I don't really know >_< :D Maybe Once I go through these tutorials it will refresh some memories, I graduated highschool 8 years ago and havn't even messed with this kind of of stuff since then. So, I am sure it will look like complicated.
    I thought I was using Dreamweaver for 3d-Modeling in Graphic Design and my Programming class back in Highschool, but like I said, that was 8 years ago and I checked online and it appears that Dreamweaver dosn't offer 3d-modeling software, and if they did that it was removed from the market for whatever reason.... Wish I could remember though since it is the platform I was taught on, though I remember my teacher saying that it was hundreds of dollars :P


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