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  1. I got it working pretty much, when I try and pull the data into sl but I'm pulling the full html into secondlife and none of the data on the sheet. So my thing is is there a trick to only getting the cell info and not the full html code from site?
  2. ok I really would like to use this to just get some simple data I need. "<script type="text/javascript">activeSheetId = '653993593'; switchToSheet('653993593');</script></body></html>" dose not show up in firefox or chrome for me. your sheet your talking about "Sheet1" correct?
  3. Thank you all its working just fine. That was driving me crazy for a week on how to make it happen.
  4. I have made a texture it's half alpha, what I want to do is slide the texture to show say 50% hp 37% hp (IE offset the texture based on hp from 0 to 100). yeah old school gamer and I love to see UIs and not hover text lol. I have added a photo of my hud to show you the idea of what I want to do.
  5. Hey people, I'm making a little rpg system and keeping things pretty simple on the hud part. What I want to do is use a texture "not hover text" health bar. I want to make a texture offset based on hp. I'm a bit lost on how I would off set my texture on the stander 0 to 100 hp stats. Any help on this matter would be nice. Also looking to use "llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast" for lower scripts, so I don't have to place a script in every bar on hud.
  6. Full sim for sale, price is 200 USD or 200USD in L. There is a 100.00USD transfer fee that i will have to pay once sale and transfer has been processed hence the price. Feel free to message me in world @Casey Alexandre (oopussinbootsoo) Tier Date 12/18/2018
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