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  1. I'm sorry to ask this but I'm not that good at these program languages. This is what I have so far. default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llPlaySound("UUID", 0.2); } } And it works right now for a single sound. When the object is clicked is plays one sound. Can anyone help me turn this into a script that will run a random number. And play different sounds based on the number? I would like three sounds but I feel if I am given the code for three I will be able to make it more if needed anyhow. So random number... IF Statement to check random number than play whatever sounds using llPlaySound("UUID", 0.2); etc... Thanks.
  2. Anyone have any suggestions for a ***** for the krankhaus - Kuroo Bento Body? Not looking for one that is SUPER BIG! lol So hopefully one that can be resized if needed. Thanks... I don't know much about this? Which ones would work or not etc.
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