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Everything posted by PenelopeWinthorpe

  1. im sorry if my technical terminology upsets you
  2. aplogies if it was "hijacked" but hacking is hacking. do something to fix it an people wont complain about poor security of linen labs and third party viewers
  3. EXACTLY why griefing and hacking needs to be taken more seriously, this is real and its happening.
  4. With regards to your question. There is a way to send massive amounts of streamed fragmented files to your computer once a hacker has your ip address or is in control of your viewer. I think this is a common problem as Jessie has said because if it wasn't then people wouldn't be posting help questions on second life forums and i also think that Linden Labs needs to take second life greifing and hacking a lot more seriously. If it was you griefed or hacked wouldn't you want something done about it?
  5. I think you are mistaken you can create a way to control someone else's viewer. so that's not quite correct in your explanation. in fact Jessie is right there is a ultima hud that will allow you to control someones viewer if they click on something.
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