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Berny Bury

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Everything posted by Berny Bury

  1. Thank you Rolig, Do you have another function?
  2. Set a password for a script ! First time we ask a password then encrypt it and set to description Object, Next time only we decrypt from get description of object ! the crypt could store also in notepad --------------------------------------------- string Crypt="123456789"; string password =""; string action=""; integer listenHandle; default { state_entry() { listenHandle = llListen(10, "", "llDetectedKey(0)", ""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if(llGetObjectDesc()=="EMPTY") { llTextBox( llDetectedKey(0),"Please enter your Password (to define)",10); action = "password"; } else { llTextBox( llDetectedKey(0),"Please enter your Password ...",10); action = "verify password"; } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llSay(0,"MESSAGE IS "+ message); if (action == "password") { password = message; string datacrypt = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(password), llStringToBase64(Crypt)); llSetObjectDesc(datacrypt); } if (action == "verify password") { password = message; llSay(0,"pass s "+password); string verify = llBase64ToString(llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llGetObjectDesc(), llStringToBase64(Crypt))); if (verify == password) { llSay(0,"OKAY "+password); } else llSay(0,"Bad pass "+password); } } }
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