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Everything posted by FollyToBeWise

  1. Potential lawsuits are expensive. And losing your store and account are potential consequences. I've seen items based on Disney movies, like Snow White or Belle, but they're generally altered. Not that I'm overly familiar with copyrights laws, when and where it applies, an how licensing works. I'm just a Marvel dumpster desperate to e-cosplay their faves. 😔
  2. Doesn't Disney pretty much own everything? But yeah, it is. I did forget that Copyrights would kick in. Specially if it looks too similar to the actual outfit.
  3. If there's one thing about me everyone should know, it's how obsessed I am with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I've been looking for the outfit / uniform worn by Captain Marvel in the movie, but to no avail. Does anyone know any store or creator who has it? Or if Pepper Potts 'Rescue' suit, the Wasp's suit, or any of the MCU girls' outfits are available? Preferably from canon, rather than overly sexualized. I would sell my kidney for any of that. Thank you!
  4. A friend of mine recently acquired the Signature Gianni and paired it with the Lelutka head. He is mostly satisified with it, but he is wondering if there's anyway to hide or tone down the muscle definition. It is overly... fit and not the look he wanted. Is there any good skins, preferably with different skin tones, that hide the muscle definition and help give it a more realistic and regular look? Thank you.
  5. You are an absolute angel. I will consider that! Thank you, so much! (Though, I am not good with classes, I do want to learn and the structure could help)
  6. I never know how to start these posts but maybe I should give you a little background - I am Rhae and this is my first year on Second Life. About three or four of the nine months I've been on SL, I've been away, but I've always been curious about building mesh. Granted, part of the reason I started wanting to do it was because I couldn't always find what I want, but I've finally decided to take the initiative and start by, well, getting Blender. I've looked up tutorials, scrolled through pages, but all of it is too advanced for someone who doesn't even know how to adjust the camera view yet. I've spent few minutes, learned few of the basics, and plan to keep at it until I am comfortable with the controls. But, as someone with anxiety, the fact that I don't even know what the next step is - is a little unsettling to me. If I asked you for a guide, for a 101, for a list of what you should get or what you should learn first - what would you include in it? I feel at loss, because my brain is shouting words I've read over and over again like 'rigging' and 'texturing' and 'baking' and 'developers kit' when I don't even know what I would need to start. I don't want to make clothes, for example, that are for standard sizes (alone). It feels a lot like attempting to learn a language without knowing the alphabets. And I don't know, I want a place to start. A list of essential programs and add-ons and items as well as a list of, well, what you should learn. Obviously, once I cover the basic and learn to be comfortable with it, the rest would come from tutorials and blogs and forum posts but... I'd benefit from having a place to start and others might, too! Thank you and I am sorry for rambling.
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