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Rogue Fae

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Everything posted by Rogue Fae

  1. Beautiful 1024 water parcel adult priced to sell 12,288L I just set this at lowest price so someone could grab it. This is not hurting my tier so I'm in no rush to sell it but this could sell for more easy. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bau Tessle/20/55/22
  2. Horizons Adult 2x Protected CORNER - 1024m - 2x Prim 90,000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Eos/114/208/51
  3. Horizons 4X Protected Corner 2X Prim 1024 Adult Sunrise Priced to Sell 150,000L Lowest price in the area and very nice parcel though my decorating may be questionable. Go see for yourself. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Jupiter/253/238/23
  4. 1x protected with (sailable) Canal View & Entrance | Flat and Square Parcel | 32x32 fits most shape buildings | +-70% protected region | Communal Park on the South of Region with Lake (The Only 2 Lakes in Bay City) | Double amount of land-impact | 98000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay City - Tanelorn/163/233/26
  5. I forgot to put land size is 3072. Last price drop 8000L
  6. Price dropped to 16000L Will take it off of sale next.
  7. 6X Protected Tjunction Great for Shops 24000L You can walk over bridge to get to the second shop or take the cable car. The Teleports go to the platforms in the sky. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pandora/95/31/82
  8. 1x protected with (sailable) Canal View & Entrance | Flat and Square Parcel | 32x32 fits most shape buildings | +-70% protected region | Communal Park on the South of Region with Lake (The Only 2 Lakes in Bay City) | Double amount of land-impact | 125,000L. I'm sorry but price will not be lowered on this. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay City - Tanelorn/175/240/25
  9. This parcel is a rare 3x protected water parcel with multirezzer scene box. Keep everything on the land as long as you like or send it back. Priced to sell today! 9999L If I pay tier on this land tomorrow I will keep it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fritts/47/157/22
  10. 5120 Moderated Protected 40/40 Terraform 15000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chartreuse/133/49/23 Moderated 1024 40/40 Terraform Perfect Square 4000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chartreuse/159/58/26 Protected Moderated 1120 40/40 Terraform 8000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chartreuse/170/89/21 I set these at lowest possible price. I will abandon in next couple of days to free up tier.
  11. Tatarstan 8192 Moderate Protected Road Perfect Shape 24000L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tatarstan/222/68/96 Completely landscaped and furnished with plenty of prims left over. Everything on land is yours to keep as long as you like or send it back as you wish.
  12. No longer for sale I'm decorating and keeping this land.
  13. Inca Beach 1024 Adult Water Parcel This is a repost because I changed the land. The price is 15000L but will go back up to 20000. If not sold I will keep this land. I put a picture of the skybox I placed in the sky. I didn't furnish it because it can be a loft, studio, club, or whatever your vision might be. There is plenty enough prims left over to decorate it. You can also send some things back from the beach or send everything back. Everything on the land is yours to use as long as you like. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Inca/98/180/22
  14. Protected Moderate 1024 Roadside Photo Studio {Perfect Square} 8999L Keep everything on the land for as long as you like or send it back as you wish. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Athabasca/178/222/72
  15. Protected Moderated 9760 40/40 Terraform 35000L The price will not go lower then this. Build a beautiful Aquarium underwater. Set up a little beach house and surround yourself with water for a personal island. Create a cabin on a mountain top. You can even have a combination of all three. The pictures show you the land at different levels. One is at its lowest point underwater, the next one is at regular level, and the last one is at its highest point The possibilities are endless with 40/40 terraform range. Meaning you can raise the land 40m high, lower it 40m deep or have it anywhere in between. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chartreuse/151/67/21
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