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Kiera Clutterbuck

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Everything posted by Kiera Clutterbuck

  1. Could you define the term "human rights" for me, so we can be on the same page to discuss. And which groups do you think I would not allow to have "human rights"?
  2. When one is angry at specific peoples and groups for an extended period and even look for them to leave or be otherwise sanctioned, they are typically known as an enemy, Which specific peoples and groups are you referring to? Again, I don't think in terms of "enemies".
  3. If your group does not believe and practice human rights then you will be challenged, yes. You cannot have the right to do what is wrong.
  4. I realize there are those who without a definable enemy, have a tendency to start eating their own. Do you really think you can be very involved in a forum where there are no people to call out? This is a war mentality. I think you're imagining others have this when you are the one who does. It's projection. I don't have enemies, but I do have people I disagree with and become angry with.
  5. Are you sure you don't have severe issues with projection?
  6. I wasn't stating an ultimatum; I was expressing how I feel here now with the new changes. The forum feels deadened, and I feel confused about what is acceptable to say and confused as to how I'm supposed to separate my brain in strange ways in order to post here.
  7. One of the Moles said they were experimenting with these changes. And they have allowed this thread. So it seems a bit of feedback on the changes is still allowed. The changes could be for the best as I'm willing to accept I can't see all of the big picture! But I do detect that the forum feels deadened, and I may elect to leave if I can't bring my real self into discussions a bit (not that I want to talk Politics or argue, but it feels creepy to exist as only a cartoon character on a forum). Or am I a real person here on the forum who is only supposed to be talking about only my cartoon existence in SL but not about anything real happening within SL? Can I sue for causing my brain to be split apart in strange and confusing ways? j/k
  8. When they are sanctioned then it is no longer a democracy. By being sanctioned on this forum I don't mean they should necessarily be removed or banned; I mean they should be told they are wrong, and this would be the penalty. Eventually I hope they would fade away by frequent confrontations, as their beliefs and actions cause much harm to others. Some who espouse hate and are anti-democratic actually believe such sanctions would take away their freedom. But as Lincoln said when a senator espoused slavery and claimed its removal meant his freedom was being taken away: "You cannot have the right, to do what is wrong" Of course eventually they were forced to do what is right via the Civil War. Sadly that is sometimes needed.
  9. Well there are laws to keep haters from harming others but if one is truly interested in seeing others drop anger, resentment and prejudice, it needs to be put in a context of how it helps the hater to let them go. I'll first off mention that hate has a root of fear, not indifference. To hate something or someone is to fear them for the potential threat they pose to the hater's core instincts like Self and Social esteem, the sexual and security instincts. These are the primal instincts every living thing is borne with and when those are threatened, there is a tendency to react negatively to whatever is threatening them. It is of no value to order someone to drop the hate as one is then just adding to the threat of a basic instinct. Rather one needs to show how the hate, anger and prejudices are baseless and counterproductive as most negative emotions are. Better to attract someone to change with honey rather than vinegar through showing the benefits of losing the hate for the hater. Now in my circles that is somewhat easy because for alcoholics, addicts and other obsessive type dysfunctions, anger, resentments, prejudices and fears are the number one cause of addictive behaviours. Without going through a process of discovering what they are and becoming willing to let them go, there is little hope that there will be a long term recovery from those obsessions and addictions. For those who don't suffer from any sort of external and visible dysfunction but still have a lot of anger and prejudices (repressed or externalized), there are still benefits to letting go of them as for one, those emotions trigge.. cause increased stress hormones caused by negative emotional triggers, leading to a slew of medical problems. And no, I am not interested in getting into a debate about the validity of that. The point is that until one can promote the potential benefits to a hater of why they should let go off their hate, one is only banging their head against the wall and suffering from the same problems as the hater themselves because it is only hating the hater and self serving in the end. The activist without empathy for the hater, has no testimony that they can promote the "no hate" lifestyle with and wind up just looking like a Pharisee when it is easily seen that the activist also suffers from their own hates and prejudices. If I had been a French citizen near the beaches of Normandy when all those activists in boats came to save me I would care not if they were in a bad mood. They could have egos the size of the Eiffel tower with hatred stretching up to the heavens and that would be fine by me. Just see what's right, and do what's right. No need to be an angel to do good in the world. Democracy requires vision, not angels. I have faith that eventually those on the forum who oppose Democracy will be sanctioned and fade away.
  10. You freaked me out by making me think for a few seconds I had to have something done right now that is not due till tomorrow!! 😁
  11. We need to keep haters from harming others, but that does not mean we should hate them. So I partially agree.
  12. It's almost like the "powers that be" (not in some conspiracy sense) don't want people to truly connect and form relationships anymore.
  13. People are traumatized by incidents beyond bullets and war. Hence the change of names to reflect reality.
  14. Anti-discrimination laws are not made to legislate morality specifically. They are made to protect vulnerable populations from being hurt by others. In our case by the OP, I can't see how child avatars would be hurt, as there is ample room for them to traverse all the Bellisseria roads and attend gatherings there. Now if there truly was no place for them I would imagine LL would make an effort to accommodate them more in concert with protecting private property rights, as it would be good for SL's continued growth (particularly if child avatars in SL were numerous). Like you, I would prefer the method of help not to be a top-down type (laws, governance), but instead focusing on ways to increase their reputation in SL. Sometimes though we do need a law!
  15. Many words were fine when invented, but when co-opted to mean something they do not mean anymore, or when used in the present day to insult others, we should stop using them (often the term is used as an insult by those who want to diminish others who are offended by their despicable behaviors. They are called "snowflakes" because they are "triggered"). Another reason not to use it: the word "triggered" was invented in the psychiatric field to denote someone who relives a past traumatic experience due to a present stimuli that reminds them of the past incident. Those with PTSD understand it well. It's an insult to the severity of a trigger experience for those who deal with PTSD when we make light of it. I have to admit though, I do laugh at that triggered lion of yours
  16. I have major concern for you, Anthony, and I can't see how activists would prevent a reputable new virtual world. From this post and a couple others I've seen it seems you fear "activists are after me" a lot. I understand, as I've gotten paranoid myself at times, what with climate change, Coronavirus, restrictions for women and other minorities, and what seems to be a negative change in how we might be governed into the future. Now we add on these forum restrictions adding more uncertainty and fears on top of what we already deal with. It's just too too much, and fears can easily start to govern our lives. Please step away from Twitter as it's not good for anyone in these stressful times. It is interesting to ponder whether another SL could work though. I don't think it would work because you need a rather large base to get a momentum going. This is SL's main advantage and possibly why it continues. A new game wouldn't have this advantage and as someone pointed out it's just as likely people would just choose one of the other shiny new games, and one with the established community connections already in place many seek when joining a new game.
  17. So what does this mean? It must be selling well?
  18. If outdated terminology like "lizard brain" is used to excuse murderous behavior in court, or used to denigrate animals, we need to get rid of it. Regardless of whether some amateurs or out-of-date scientists use the term as an analogy. We are supposed to respect pop psychology now and people ranting on YouTube, and scientists who don't know current findings and so add to the confusion?
  19. Hey I said on another thread I appreciated the spontaneous threads where we go off-topic, but this is going a bit too far! 😁😉
  20. That's called being "contrarian" or, in the case of my late brother-in-law, "curmudgeonly". And a need to have a side to blame does strange things to the mind. LOL
  21. I will continue reading it for sure. All we can do is try to be a "free thinker". The first step in achieving this more often does seem to be understanding one is frequently not a "free thinker". What we are seeing so much today is those who simply go against the mainstream or establishment and consider themselves as "free thinkers" because of that. But as you said earlier, mainstream thinking can sometimes be right and so this position is illogical.
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