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Posts posted by BigBankHankTV

  1. IMO as Realistic as we can lol, closed minds don't get feed. Can only be as realistic as the tech allows. The main issue is lighting in engines it what really brings out everything cause of shadows and good ambient occlusion, global illumination and such. You can make some really realistic characters these days even for real time its not the problem, what makes character real is animations, realistic proportions for shape, beside that facial imperfections and skin pores getting use a lot closer pass that uncanny valley point as from what I'm seeing lately. If you want to look at some case studies of seeing what is possible look at TexturingXYZ, skin pores and face scans of color maps from real people, once someone has enough data of those can really create some insane character avatar systems. A normal map or displacement map of skin pores really changes alot and lighting of course. Just wanted to show people whats possible.


    Heres a realtime character case study I found from 
    Sefki Ibrahim, really cool stuff


  2. I can transfer any clothing to any body shape with non-rigid registration using a program like Wrap3 with each different body brand shape I just make it a new blendshape for its shape. this way i have all the shapes on one mesh.

    For my cloth piece made for one body can either with Wrap3(Lattice) or a blender addon where clothes follow body or some other Lattice buildin or addon to your 3dsoftware, then i take take each shirt blendshape separate it for its body brand and weight transfer projection and then fix appearance extremes for each. baggy clothes it is harder and takes more time for fixing.

    I do this in game design alot can tranfer alot of clothing to alot of body fast, alot of other games use blendshape but with SL using bone moving for its appearance sliders gotta fix extremes with bones weights, dont take long its always like this in Secondlife fixing extremes, most games use blendshape apperance slider is alot faster less work when building games with this transfer system.

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