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  1. You'd have to use parcel media on the two side screens that link to someone's actual livestream of the performer. I don't have enough experience with the systems myself to help directly, but looking into using SL parcel media and scripted camera controls on the lsl wiki and streaming SL with third party software would be a good place to start looking. Hope that helps.
  2. It looks like you're updating the texture animation faster than it can play frames. Unless you need to switch the state of the texture animation, it shouldn't be in any of the timer or color change scripts.
  3. Beautiful! Exactly what I needed.
  4. What are the current methods for the display of text on a prim? Years ago (before mesh, but after sculpts and flexy prims), I used a mix of llSetText() or XY text methods with an array of prims, but I'm hoping there's something more elegant. I saw a few posts regarding meshes with multiple materials, but could use some pointers on usage and how to get my hands on some suitable meshes. Thanks in advance.
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