Bound Serenity is is a Class 5 full NONE Grandfathered sim for sale or rent.
::Event Rental Information::
To rent for the hosting of a event the cost is $L 13,000 per day.
With 100% of the 20k prims available for use.
::Rental Information::
Entire Sim rental is $L 15,000 per week.
:::::Sale Information::::
20,000 Prim Count
Tier Payment is : $229.00 U.S.
Monthly payment date is the 25th of each month. Tier has just been paid as of this listing date.
The transfer fee is $100.00 U.S. Due to changes with Linden Labs this must be paid in Lindens. With the exchange rate as of right now that is $L 25,613.
The transfer fee also includes renaming the sim if desired and moving the sim to a new location if desired.
Asking price is is $L 95,000, I am willing to negotiate. Serious offers only.
Please contact me in world: Kadriya Flanagan