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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Two of my posts in that thread were hidden because I had typed out the word. I copied my text and edited the word and reposted it and it posted fine. I'm pretty sure it was the word r*pe that it was flagging.
  2. That's an excuse. I can't afford a full sim so I'd rather just not do it. There are many ways to utilize a smaller plot of land. Use skyboxes you teleport to. Get a 1/4 sim and put up 3 other platforms with surrounding walls. That's the equivalent of a full sim right there. Maybe not as many prims but there are loads of low prims things out there to build with. What you build is only decoration to the RP anyway. Hell, you could set out 3 cardboard boxes you sit on and RP a great story.
  3. First there is no such thing as "Gacha" machines anymore. Those were banned so you should stop calling them that. As far as what creators are allowed to do I imagine whatever they like. What I'm reading is that it is transferable once and then they are stuck with it, is that right? I don't know a lot about transfer permissions but that seems odd that it would remove that option once you gave it away. Unless I'm confused by what you mean. I mean you could still buy duplicates and sell them and be profitable. I imagine not quite as much as it used to be because rares are easier to get and see what you are getting. You SEE when a rare is coming up. There is no guessing or chance to it - though some have said that the creators are not having rares come up as much which sort defeats the purpose of banning them IMO but whatever.
  4. That's really not the point though. Yes we get an extra allowance of 1024 land however we have to BUY that land in order to use it thus spending extra money that we wouldn't otherwise spend. Now if they gave us a choice of a 1024 abandoned lot on the mainland for free that would be acceptable.
  5. Months gives them quite a bit of leeway. I would like to have some sort of time frame. I mean they could mean 36 months. Yes, I was aware that they were not going to be available right away but I still think they have an obligation to give a general timeframe of when they will be ready.
  6. What you think of my 2D walls is probably not the same as what I think of them...not that I have any but you get my drift. Not everyone is a talented landscaper or can create beautiful parcels that are eye pleasing. The mainland is basically an open sketchbook. Don't like it? Then move somewhere else.
  7. If I have learned anything in the last four years is that what is annoying to some is not to another. That is the exact purpose of the mainland. Everyone can be their own annoying self. Take that away and you have just another platform with rules that people will either try to circumvent or they will leave altogether. Don't live there if you hate it so much. Not directed at @diamond Marchant Just a general comment.
  8. I really hope that they don't dilly dally around with the 2048 Linden homes. My spare 1024 is just sitting there because I am not going to buy land and then have to sell or abandon it in a hurry when it's ready. So I feel like they should have had the 2048 home ready before they rolled out PP because that is one of the perks of the membership. Either that or they should have reduced the price until the feature was fully implemented. They need to give us at least a timeframe IMO.
  9. You sell items to other players through the vendors that they have. These same vendors can refresh your items so they don't spoil. So for an example. Player plants tomatoes. They then harvest them and the harvest goes to an asset based system through beYou. You then have to deliver the "tomato" vendor from another object, the composter and it goes in your inventory. You then rez it and set it up with a price and allow it to access your L's balance. These harvests expire every 30 days unless you click the vendor and refresh them for another 30 days. The same vendor is used to sell the harvests to other players. So even if I wasn't selling to other players I would still keep a vendor out for ease of refreshing them and not having to set it up with a price all the time. When you set up a vendor you have to put a price on it, even it just 1L and give it permission to take L's from your account. Even when refreshing it makes you buy from yourself. You can't really tell if someone has the vendors out for persona use only or to sell to other players.
  10. Well that sucks since I only went last Saturday and was planning on going back. The only thing that I didn't like and granted I was just there one time, is that they had all scripts disabled and their singles dances SUCKED. You couldn't use your own dances there which to me is a huge deal.
  11. You have to invest in the project yourself initially. Figure out what you want to do and cultivate it...one thing. If people back out, find other people instead of tearing it down and starting from scratch. Even if you do have people continue to recruit in case other people failed to come through. It can take months before a new sim really gets off the ground and creates interest. If you aren't prepared to invest to keep it open through the growing phase then it will fail. Start small and only create what you can afford yourself until you find reliable people. Heck, I had a whole urban RP town built on a 4096 parcel. Granted there were things that I was unable to put in but I had housing, a fire department, hospital, detective agency, a slum area, laundromat, a motel, gas station, a school and a jewelry shop. I even had a church and graveyard and a food truck. It was on a tiny scale but it would have worked if people really wanted to RP. The thing is that people don't want to do that anymore in SL. Good luck to you.
  12. I would assume then activities pertaining to Beyou would be against the covenant since they use vendor and droboxes even if you are not selling to the public to transfer assets from the Beyou server to your inventory? I know A LOT of people use Beyou in Linden Homes.
  13. Must be some new sort of kink, though it looks tortuous to me. Whatever type of a situation would you be in where you would use this sort of thing. I'm genuinely curious but also afraid of the answer.
  14. This sounds like a cool idea and I have a lot of items that would fit. I hesitate to get involved though since all your RP sims or ideas seem to last oh...about 2 weeks to a month and then you give up. I'd be hard pressed to invest in it.
  15. It might be helpful to provide the actual links here so people don't have to go hunt for them. Oh ok...well I just figured a whole makeover included the skin and shape. What exactly does a whole makeover include?
  16. Yes there are some people that do create but there most things that are in open sim has come from Second Life. There is no denying or disagreeing with visual proof.
  17. I assume you mean 25,000L for a full make over not 2500?
  18. I would say it does. If you want to be totally incognito go use a library computer. As far as lingerie goes, no one knows it's you that you are buying it for. Could be for a wife, GF, Mother. I crossed out the political part so the thread doesn't get locked.
  19. You haven't even read the policy yet you are here asking "what if" questions. How can you even think about what your options are if you haven't even read it? Also, most companies think about shifting to a model that is more financially profitable on a daily basis.
  20. Would you be okay with everyone being able to see what was in your inventory right at this moment? What would be the first thing you'd do?
  21. As long as the "adult" things are in your house or behind closed doors you are fine using adult things in a moderate parcel.
  22. There are only about a dozen people complaining about the new rules. How is that customer demand? Also, the forum isn't a feature that you are paying for. They could just put everything in the wiki and call it a day.
  23. EVERYONE knew that thread was going to get locked before they even resurrected it seeing as it was discussed before it even happened. I think if people continue to try and skirt the rules the next step will simply to be to ban people. Time to put on your big girl/boy panties and grow up and accept the rules. All the forum is now is how the rules suck. I really don't think that they are going to be changing anytime soon ...unless the goal is some passive aggressive tactic to try and shut them down.
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