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Posts posted by BBzaumm

  1. 12 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    A longer explanation with some illustrationshttp://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/

    You have Firestorm so open the Photo Tools to control most of the visible appearance of the viewer and the environment when making temporary changes.

    If you are taking snapshots you'll use different settings than for machinima. Also,  one set for exploring, one for shopping, and another for roleplaying.

    When you change the Debug Settings the ESC key will snap you back to your newly set values. HOWEVER, SHIFT-ESC will clear your Debug setting changes.

    There are keyboard shortcuts for changing the Debug Settings. You likely already use left-click Ctrl and Alt to move your camera and possibly mouse steer. But you can also use Ctrl-mouse-wheel to change the default camera height. Shift-mouse-wheel raises camera position and focus point default values.

    Thank you, I'll take a look later!

  2. 9 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    look at the free scipt time, amounts of scripts .. when that are high levels it's time to run.

    btw .. a bit strange to see a question about damnable breedables while you have a load of them on your pic?

    and you have packet loss... try resetting your router/modem and see if that gets better. With 0.7% you already can get serious issues for your viewer.

    The first person who entered SIM, I zoomed in and discovered these cute things (which I hate), was when I opened the scripts window, so the "surprise" ...
    Thank you ... I'm still trying to understand ...

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