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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I apostrophize Hallowe'en for three reasons, possibly more. The three I am aware of are these: 1. I like archaic spellings, especially when it comes to archaic things, like ancient festivals. 2. People who are highly literate like being able to identify one another, and shibboleths like archaic spellings help us to do so. 3. It's always fun seeing people argue that lazy, modern misspellings are superior to slightly-less-lazy-but-still-kinda-lazy misspellings/contractions from the previous century or so. Just be grateful I'm not going arround insisting that it be called the Evening of All Hallows. Bonus reason: 4. There isn't a single person on this forum or inworld who isn't pretending something, and don't kid yourselves. I own my nature, and am proud of it. If I couldn't pretend to be something I'm not, I wouldn't even be here. And what's worse, an educated person who comes from dirt but insists on fancy spellings, or people born to the higher classes who had every opportunity to better their intellects but decided to pretend they're "commoners" and talk like they grew up in the ghetto? I feel that celebrating our lost loved ones is something sacred, and if even sacred things have to be kept in the dirt and free of "pomp" and "pretentiousness", then what's everyone else's excuse for being so pompous and pretentious ALL THE TIME? So: PEEVE: People who act like they're better than someone else because they think how they like to do things makes them that way, and that people who aren't just like them are somehow inferior.
  2. He originally built it as his private home, and he's really into authenticity. I'm so happy he opened it up to the public, finally. It used to be invite-only. Castle Dracula is one of the coolest builds I've ever seen; I used to send people to the dinosaur adventure to get his dinosaur avis, and I'd tell them to cam way up and see what was there. Everyone always went, "WOAH~! AWESOME!" He's one of my artist gods in SL, it's such an honor to know him. ^-^
  3. Oh, the good old days. I remember when you could work at a burger joint and buy a sports car. Without having to be the regional manager. SECONDING THIS PEEVE.
  4. Just remember that if you are a girl and a guy asks you to help him pick out a weener, it just might be a come-on. If he asks you to help him edit it, it's definitely a come-on.
  5. Super Duper Delight Droppin' Time up in here, hold on, this is a huuuuuge one~! I haven't been this delighted in ages. Seeing people from the forums on my home sim, and seeing how many people can cram themselves into a party, and meeting one of my SL artist gods and getting to hang out with him, and getting to dance to FOUR of the funnest DJs with the coolest music I never get to hear in SL otherwise... I just don't know what to do with myself now. Traditionally, for personal reasons, Hallowe'en has been a really crummy time of year for me for a very long time (despite my love of the holiday), a time when everyone is having fun but me, and I can't even tell people why I'm sad, because nobody likes a sad person when they're trying to have fun. Helping put on the Hallowe'en events on my home sim has transformed Hallowe'en back into a fun thing for me. I can't wait to see what happens over the rest of the weekend. ^-^
  6. Knowing you made a huge difference in someone's SL is great. Having them TELL you so later is freakin AWESOME.
  7. Yes there are. And most of them are simply looking to take advantage of newbies who come looking for slex. I've heard far more tales of people sending TPs and stuff and going straight to the "let's use this bed" thing than I have of people saying "hey, let's get you a Maitreya and some hair and shoes and stuff", though. To counter all of this, I have been known on occasion to find a newbie and make them go shopping with me, buy them a Maitreya and a Catwa, gift them enough L$ to get the clothes and stuff they want, direct them to the docs and tutorials required to assist them in getting it all together, help them myself if I can and they need it, and then wish them a happy SL and poof away, leaving them to it. I like how I can hear a jaw drop from across the world when they realize I just dropped like 10k on them and expect nothing in return, ever. What's even more fun is when I start dropping stuff on them and someone else notices and decides we're having too much fun and they want in on it, too. It turns into a little party of sorts, with us showing them things and buying stuff for them. I don't do it all the time, and certainly not lately (LOL, I have like, 11L$ right now), but it sure does feel nice being able to help someone that way.
  8. I have absolutely no ideas what might be causing your problems... I'm trying to think, but you've already covered all of the bases I know of... However, I will give you some encouragement. It's a bit late for some folks, and some are out at parties and stuff right now, cos its a huge weekend, but fear not, we have super active forums here and someone will probably pop in and have answers you can use. Just might have to wait a bit and check back later. But rest assured, they will come. The wise persons here like a challenge, and this is definitely one of those challenging things to solve.
  9. Don't worry about it, just leave the other one up and either that one or this one will sink into oblivion. Or a mod will remove it. No worries.
  10. Every time I render someone fully, more people show up, lol. Heck with it. XD Place is getting PACKED ~ 4 hours later: Best party ever. The crew from Kadath really know how to throw a party~! I've never seen the Innsmouth Opera House so full of people! And I got to meet Wanders Nowhere~! One of my SL artist gods actually came to our party, and hung out with us! Best. Party. Ever.
  11. I hope I don't get a bunch of random IMs from strangers wanting a date.
  12. Yeah, sorry, I have that effect sometimes. To your credit, you handled seeing all of it with remarkable aplomb. Thank you for being you. ^-^ And thanks to this thread for being here, it really helps to be able to drop PeeveBombs sometimes. I do try to keep it all in here, so as to make myself more bearable for others, I swear~! ^-^;
  13. Here ya go, this should just about do it. ===================== >INNSMOUTH BASHES HALLOWEEN< ===================== Arik Metzger and Fuzzbutt, and the Innsmouth Crew, invite you to the legendary region of Innsmouth as we present a Halloween weekend of events, including... ----------------------- EVENTS SCHEDULE THE INNSMOUTH HOLIDAY HUNT Courtesy of Nikki Derryth! running October 28-31 with gifts and prizes courtesy of Pixelancer and PheebyCorp/LoomingCraft Innsmouth Landing Point: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/14/247/55 ------------------- OCT 28 ----------- 7-11pm: "The Kadath Invasion!" Simone Danielle, Henning Heinkel and crew of Kadath overrun the Opera House with their Music Extravaganza! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House ------------------- OCT 29 ----------- 4-8am: "DJ Badtaste's Mornin Pint" Stonerrock and other Odditys http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/179/71/47 Warehouse Speakeasy 4-6pm: "To Hell with Hax!" DJ Cerydwen Hax DJ, metal and more http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House 5-7pm: "The Innsmouth Mystery Movie" Cpt. Street Brightflame Reaper hosting http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/125/84/47 Arkham Theatre 6-7pm: "Embrace the Gothic" DJ W̷ɨηoηα Ɲɨɠիƚ (winonanight) Gothic and symphonic metal http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House 8-10pm: "DJ Crixus' Spooky Stories" Crixus Crucifixus-Varro http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House 11p-12am: "The Night Rail into the Dark!" DJ W̷ɨηoηα Ɲɨɠիƚ (winonanight) DJ, electronic/industrial/dark psytrance http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/133/44/48 Railway Warehouse ------------------ OCT 30 ----------- 7-8pm: Lovecraft Time presents Arik Metzger reading Lovecraft Live! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House 8-0pm: "The Samhain Ball!" DJ Shinobi & Valdemarie "The Deom Queen" A night of Gothic sounds and Costume Ball Contest with Prizes! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House ------------------ OCT 31 ----------- 5-7pm: "Tuning in at the Opera! Halloween Music Special" DJ Bella Valoris (lizbethbloodthorn) Classic and never released Halloween Favorites http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House 8-10pm Lovecraft Time presents Arik Metzger reading Lovecraft Live! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/88/83/47 Opera House ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the notecard for the simwide Samhain Riddle Hunt: RULES. You should aim to do this in order. No skipping clues to find other first. "Awww" you say "Where is the fun in that?!" Welllll, you see. Each notecard you find is Titled with a letter. The letters in order will spell a word. That word is what you will need to spell and message me with in order to get access to your prizes!! Best to send me a notecard with your name and the correct answer. There is a riddle on each notecard that should lead you to the next. Some are not obvious or easy to find, however! "SO?!" you cry, "Where do we start!" You start in the log bar. It's the idea place to link up with your friends, get a bit of a team going and try and get through the cryptic riddles and quite frankly, bad poetry. So......Grab a drink, maybe...for some inspiration? SO many choices... Enjoy! Happy Samhain! Nikki Derryth http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/80/98/47 Innsmouth Log Bar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So there you go, a schedule and everything. Go me. Yay~! Looking forward to seeing everyone there, and having fun~!
  14. He wanted a private conversation with a woman. Not an open conversation with a person. I've had people do the same thing to me before, and I play a child. I ask them to speak in local with me so I don't have to keep opening the chat window while I build (it takes up screen space), and then the conversation just peters out, because they didn't want a conversation that others might potentially hear. The desire for intimacy with an object of attraction is a pretty transparent motive, usually. If it's not the driving force behind an IM, then they'll happily speak in local chat, and even speak to others who are present, as in a social situation. The exception of course is when they need help with a private matter, and choose to seek help from you. Not everything is everyone's business, after all. Imagine being at a party, and someone gets your number somehow and texts you that they're over by the punch bowl, and wants to talk with you. You go to the punch bowl and start talking to them, and they turn away, then text you again, saying they want a conversation. How would you feel? Would you prioritize their feelings and do whatever they wanted for fear of offending them, or would you stop texting them and walk away? It's not ignoring another's feelings to refuse to play their game. Not when their game makes you feel icky. If they can't have a normal conversation, but insist it must be private, then they obviously want to conceal something. A guy IM'd "hi" to me on a helper sim once. I said "hi" back, let him know I could help with any number of things, just ask, by the way, I'm over here working on this thing if you wanna come by and just hang out and chat, and etc. A few sentences in, he starts asking me about sex. I explained to him that I was there to build, and help others learn how to build, and not to have sex. Mind you, I looked like a child at the time, and had just walked past the guy on my way to the sandbox area; I hadn't done anything to invite his IM save for simply being there. His angry reply was, "then why are you chatting with me, you f***ing b***h?" I'm sure his feelings were just as important as mine, but like anyone else, I tend to put my feelings first in situations like this. So I shot him in the face with a toilet and went back to building after blocking/muting/derendering him. I hope he didn't take it the wrong way, or anything.
  15. Caledon I can vouch for as being completely and totally awesome for anyone who's new, and even for anyone's who's anything. They are the top of the heap, as far as I'm concerned, and have my full support. I don't even put them in the same category with the others, they're an awesome thing unto themselves. A fantastic and helpful community, and a credit to SL. NCI left me nauseous. I couldn't even go there with my mom and baby sister without people giving us grief, creeping on one or all of us, or trolling people into thinking all of the scripted object spam they were generating was coming from one of us, when none of us even owned any of the items they claimed were doing the spamming. I also don't like it when staff try to convert me from my faith to theirs, and that was frequent. One person in particular was dead set on making sure my entire family was safe from their faith's place of eternal punishment, even if it meant starting fights and then throwing people out for disagreeing, and having their own faith and not being willing to give it up. My mother eventually put an end to it by getting permabanned by offending the staff member's faith, the way said staff member had offended her faith on nearly every occasion that they had met. The permanent ban put an end to all of it, because then we weren't tempted to give the place a 365,756,876,587,658th chance anymore. It just sucks though, that people with influence on a sim can act any way they want, and make people uncomfortable, but if anyone does the same back at them they can't be there anymore.
  16. Yeah, except nobody bothers with using any of it, they just go ah, this is where it ended up, and then leave it laying out to be ruined again. A kitchen piled up with clothes nobody wears, junk they found on the sidewalk and kept because they felt like it but have no intention of doing anything with, piles of tangled wire that keep being shoved into corners and cabinets that are supposed to hold all the stuff that's scattered all over because the cabinets are full of junk... well, hopefully someone gets the idea, and realizes I'm not taking people's prized and cherished items and keeping them from using them. It's all clutter, the kind of clutter hoarders wallow in, but nobody else can use for anything. So, I need to be able to move around in the kitchen and find things so I can feed these people who never pick up the trash they throw on the floor or flush the toilet or put their dirty dishes in the sink, and I make space to put things away that actually get used. And when the teenager gets bored and starts dragging all of the broken bikes out yet again and leaves them in the yard, scatters all of my tools in the dirt and leaves them there, and then starts sorting through the piles of unused-for-several-years crap that's in the shed because there's no room on the kitchen table for 500 pounds of clutter, yeah, I might be a tad justified in being peeved. Everyone here has their own space, and could keep their treasured items there. Keeping the common areas clean and clutter-free is my job. It's why I have a place to stay. The shed is the designated place for anything that doesn't go in someone's room, or in the common areas. I'm not just stupidly throwing people's heirlooms and cherished photographs and hobbies in a pile somewhere, it's crap. Crap that nobody will throw away, because people are warped like that, and encrust themselves in garbage for comfort. Do you cherish old grocery sacks, pants with poop in them that nobody washed for three years, broken shoes, pliers that are rusted shut and can't be opened, and chairs with only three out of four legs still on them? If you do, you might be a hoarder. It goes in the shed because that's where it belongs. The shed would be empty, and the house would be full of junk, otherwise. I'm doing what I'm supposed to. If that makes me the "bad guy", oh well. Bad Pheeby, bad! House is clean, bad! Shed things go in shed, bad! Hoarders can't whine because at least their stuff is still intact, and they know where it is, because I was nice enough not to throw it all out, bad! Bad Pheeby! New PEEVE: When people who have no idea what my living conditions are like talk about me like I'm an unfeeling idiot, because they assume that everyone's lives are the same, and everyone's clutter they deal with is somehow valuable, and I just don't get that. EDIT: And no, I'm not tagging anyone personally, and no, it's not so serious I froth at the mouth about it (though being dramatic about it helps reduce it to ridiculosity, and makes it all easier to bear). You just kinda have to be in my situation to understand my situation, is all. Extra Peeve: When I take a single evening off from cleaning the kitchen, and let someone else do the cooking for the evening, and in the morning the kitchen looks like someone blew up a henhouse. And then scraped it all around to make sure it was thoroughly mixed. And then wet it all down so it could stink in the morning. In SL.
  17. We're throwing our annual Hallowe'en bash in Innsmouth, and will be partying all weekend. Our friends from Kadath will be invading in the evenings to spin tunes and help us party monsters do the fun thang and stuff, yo. I'll make a nicer post about it when I'm more awake, I've been helping to get things ready, and have only had 3 hours of sleep. About 14 hours ago. I'll at least get some scheduled entertainment info going, oh, and we're also hosting a fun scavenger hunt. I wouldn't have it any other way. ^-^ I'm looking forward to seeing some of you guys there~! https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innsmouth/14/247/55 *Party Recharging In Progress* ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............................
  18. And way harder for anyone to focus in. A lot of people, even who aren't new at all, find it difficult to follow local chat, IMs, and voice simultaneously. It can be a huge cognitive dissonance overload for some, also. The worst for me was that sometimes I could only hear one part of a voice conversation, and not the other, while typing like mad and feeling like dirt for not being able to participate at the same level, because only a tenth of what I typed was even seen by anyone, mingled in with all the chat spam. Block parties are fine, but I usually find the conversation is better the further I get from the chaotic nexus. And I like typing. Most people I associate with regularly only use voice to do live story readings, anyway.
  19. Additional Peeve: Asking the person to stop tagging my posts, so they react to my post, so I have to see their name in my post. You know, if I told someone I was diabetic and asked them to please not mess with my insulin, and they knew I couldn't see them, and they messed with my insulin anyway, and then left a note to show me they did it, I'd have no other way of seeing it than to think they were actually trying to do something to me. And be a jerk. If you know someone has a condition, and you intentionally do things that make it worse, when asked to stop, what does that say to the person you did it to? It's like someone asking you to give them some space, and you get right up on them and demand to know what all of this need for space is about while they're having a panic attack. And people get confused as to why I stop talking to them. Maybe it's because they don't care about me, and let me know it all the time.
  20. This is the only good reason I can think of. Helping a new person to have a good experience inworld, and get a good start on a Second Life. It is the most gratifying thing of all, being able to help someone through being new. Being someone's mentor and friend is also a great way to show them a wider SL than the welcome areas, and teach them things like finding someone by their dot, etc., by exploring sims together, and helping them build a circle of friends. I was lucky, I had that. So for about a year or so, I paid it forward and helped as many new people as I could. Some of them still turned out to be turkey-turds, but it doesn't matter. Helping them is the thing, they decide their own fates. It's their SL.
  21. The whole point of welcome areas is to grow out of them. It's why you can't return to the first island once you teleport away the first time. Places like that get stagnant and people act like jerks, because they stay there too long, just because they know there are always people there, and they're easily bored. The easily bored often lack imagination, and end up frustrated when presented with something like a big open virtual world where you build a life for yourself. It's what we make of it, and some don't really make much of things like this, other than kvetching or trying to ruin other people's fun because they feel that if they can't have fun why should anyone else be allowed to. The ones who never graduate are the ones who dont have enough friends in the wild to keep them occupied, or dont have places to go practice building and stuff. They have nothing better to do than amuse themselves as best they know how, including annoying people who are trying to learn and socialize in here and make friends, which is probably why some of them don't have enough friends in enough outer places to keep them busy. I used to hang around newbie-helper sims, until I realized just how toxic they are when they're filled with oldbies waiting to argue over who's superior every time someone new shows up. They aren't there to help newbies, they're there because people go there, and they have a better chance of getting attention and impressing people who don't know any better than to be impressed by them for having been in for longer than they have.
  22. Getting the Innsmouth Opera House ready for the parties this weekend... First we just have to scrape up all the leftovers from the n00b party earlier, lol. First the annual harvest, then the Hallowe'en, you know.
  23. I keep taking stuff and hiding it in the shed outside, and it keeps being found and brought back in. Or left right outside the shed to get rained on. Or peed on by the dogs. Then I get to put it all back.
  24. I AM capable of thinking of evil uses for things, and the only real disadvantage I can see besides annoyance at knowing someone you don't like knows you're online, is that a person's partner could keep track of whether they were really online or not. Which is only a disadvantage if you don't want your partner to know when you're online. For some reason.
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