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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Yay for movie day~! I don't even know what movie it is cos I haven't had my pot of coffee yet, but yay for movie day anyway. Besides, it's the people that make it fun, the movie is irrelevant. XD
  2. Delight of the Day: When the visiting bully realizes the shrimpy little kid they picked on while she was trying to build stuff has sim powers. I hope he comes back someday, I want to show him my gun collection, too.
  3. Fantastic job with manifesting your concept. This is freakin ART.
  4. I'm happy to help out any way I can, I've played a ten-year-old in SL for nearly 8 years now, so do feel free to ask me any time about any of it, I can help with sources for clothes and shoes, hairstyles that don't distort on short people too much, etc. I currently reside in a Rebirth body myself, and even have the devkit so I can make clothes and stuff. Before that I had the Tweenster avi for a few years, and it was more than sufficient (I have the devkit for it, also). I really like the Rebirth avi because it scales well for making a grownup avi that's like my kid avi as an adult (and can wear the same clothes), and it isn't as straight-lines boyish as the Tweenster, but for costuming purposes on a budget, it's a bit spendy. I bought the body before the head was included, and had to buy the head separately, because they didn't just update the original. I've also spent tens of thousands on outfits for it, because fatpacks. I got my Rebirth avi when I was SL rich, and it's partly responsible for me not being as SL rich now, lol. Worth every Linden penny, and no regerts, but unless you're looking to make it your everyday, like I have, the Tweenster body and Normie head are probably fine. Especially if you're not made of money. Besides, it's what you do with it that makes it art, anyway.
  5. As a former auto mechanic, hate to tell ya, but that thing won't still be running for you 20 years from now. Even with regular maintenance and rolling restarts. I mean, I get what you meant, but yeah. An older model, maybe. That one, no. It's way too rounded to be from back in the good batch. I can get you a really good deal on a Lada, though.
  6. The Duke Nukem soundboard was what did me in. You're right.
  7. But... but... when all I had was IRC, everyone wanted avatars! And when all I had was an avatar maker site, all they wanted was to be able to chat! With their avatars! Give them avatars AND chat, and they stand around silent while chatting on Discord with people who aren't even inworld! It's human nature indeed. We are just so derned contrary! XD
  8. Anyone who hates local chat because it's difficult for them to ignore it, well, it's easier to let local chat trundle along unobserved than the flashing notification showing someone has sent yet another IM. And just because someone insists on talking when I don't want it doesn't mean I'll block them, that's kind of rude in many cases. What's funny is how often someone will move to just within chat distance, and lurk. They think nobody can see them, but they want to hear everything anyway. XD
  9. I've gotten IMs from people I've never met, accusing me of being someone they know and spying on them, because I was on the same mainland sim. I've had people ask me technical questions (even people from the forum) and had it turn into them trying to convince me that I should be upset over things I don't care about, and blowing up at me when I refused to let them gall me. I'm not very "persuasion-friendly", sorry. I've had people IM me just to try to get me to take part in underhanded things against people I know and get along with, including lying about their activities. I envy you. Unwanted territory seems to be no more than a few phrases away for some people. And they always seem to want to go there with me, for some reason. The only IMs I really welcome anymore are from friends, and we usually only do that because we might drift out of local chat distance while hanging out on builds and stuff. Or if I meet someone really cool and we want to keep talking after they go home, or have another awesome conversation later, or something. It's almost nonexistently rare that someone on a sim I'm visiting just sends me an IM and it goes well. Especially if they could have used local chat and chose not to. It's like being at a party and someone insists on texting rather than talking, because others might hear. That's seldom a good sign for me.
  10. Yes, this whole world peace thing we have going on is awesome, isn't it? As for the thread topic, I heard Cory Linden will be hosting a Misfits Reunion Tour with Doyle and Jerry Only. Glenn Danzig will be opening for them wirth Dio. Better get your tickets now. ITT we make up a bunch of dooky.
  11. I look pretty realistic, and I'll talk to literally anyone. The only times I don't engage with others is when they show up on the sim and act like they want to be left alone. People go exploring, and someone says hi, and if they stop to chat, exploration ends right there. I can feel it on people when they're being polite and chatting but would rather be exploring more, so I say something like, "well, I should let you explore some more, you can come back and chat more later if you want." A lot of people won't even respond, and simply vanish, when they discover someone has noticed them lurking. Some people are only in it for the voyeuristic side too, and hate even being seen. Also, consider the fact that many people in SL are really just in it to play by themselves most of the time. I know when I'm trying to build, it can be a real distraction to have to keep up a conversation, so I drop everything if someone wants to come around and talk. Real friends though, we can be standing around with one or more of us building, and not say anything and it's as good as hanging out and chatting all night. So yeah, Iunno about avatars being "antisocial", but people often are. As for places full of avatars dressed their best and displaying themselves in all their glory and no local chat, well, they're off in IMs, trying to cyber. Why would they want to talk to some schmoe like me who comes along and actually engages in the activities the places pretend to be there for?
  12. If you're not looking to spend thousands, you can prolly get by with a Tweenster body (by Meshmerized) and a Normie head (from Utilizator). The body has alphas, and that helps with getting non-avi-specific outfits to work. A lot of people who play kids/young adults go that route at first. It's not the most anatomically perfect body, but it's still an improvement over the older method of simply squashing down a classic avi and walking around with a chicken chest. For costume character sort of applications, might be worth a try. Most of my acquaintances who have played younger boys have tended towards the Tweenster avi.
  13. Delight of the Day: Cruising around Route 11 on my new bike. I made all of it myself, from scratch. Go me! It's like pancakes, I guess, the second one always comes out way nicer.
  14. *wonders if that's a Rainbow reference on purpose* Come down with fireLift my spirit higherSomeone's screaming my nameCome and make me holy again *cranks it up*
  15. Seconding Builder's Brewery. Also, welcome to the forums. Nice to see more creative people joining us. ^-^
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