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Everything posted by kershe

  1. I was listening to the first song, which led to second: It gives me chills on top of chills.
  2. Heavy nostalgia for me on this one. I used to hear it ALL THE TIME when I was small.
  3. I haven't had that experience -- and my youtube use is pretty much limited to following this forum thread.
  4. Just got back to the office and had this song in my head. Took a little thinking to realize it was playing in the coffee shop...
  5. Woke up with this in my head. My favorite of hers has to be I Try but she just has so many great songs.
  6. This clip won't make any sense if you haven't seen Children of Men - this song is in the soundtrack. It's Franco Battiato singing. Damn - it won't embed it. https://youtu.be/ZBKFCLd6mZE
  7. She was 35 in this video, just so you know.
  8. It's not so much the line that bothers me. It's other stuff, like when a stranger IMs me from the other side of the sim, or when a stranger who is standing close enough to talk in local, IMs me. I don't mind being asked age/sex/location as part of a conversation, and honestly most of the guys I've met have asked those things after we've been talking for a while. When it's the first thing out of their mouths, it sets them back in my estimation. Maybe the worst thing is persistence after I've said no. Like the guy who said, "Would you like to come and dance for me?" and when I replied "no, thanks" he followed up with "You never know, you might like it" and "Try to have a sense of humor about it" and I forget what else, but he would not stop. And then of course he began insulting me. I should have told him to try to have a sense of humor about it, but I was too angry at the time. I mean, I didn't mind the first question. It was the relentless and ultimately nasty follow-up that bugged me.
  9. This song used to play every time I went to the gym, but it took me a long time to look it up. I don't like anything else he's done, but I love this one:
  10. This song pops up at the end of the film Wonder Boys:
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