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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Oh the last bit bugs me, there has been many times where I tped to land for rent and I get a csr messaging me if they can help me. Then I get mad and just give up. Lol
  2. I don't know about no engine. I could imagine Bethesda's Creation Engine could handle it. I mean it has to contend with the dynamics of the modding community.
  3. I mean you are painting a broad brush. Not all of us get the same experience of banging pixels or rp sex as you do. That does not make us prudes. I mean it's more diverse than that. But to say that everyone who is not having SL sex or have the bits and don't use them are closeted pervs. Is an absolute fallacy of the highest degree. I mean sure some are, but painting a broad brush on all of them is absolutely wrong. That and just cause we don't have sex or we find sexual stuff in SL boring. Doesn't make us a prude. Please stop character attacking people who think differently than you, or who doesn't take in on those activities in SL. It makes you and the others who the Iike that, look like morons.
  4. I mean nowadays the attention span of people is shorter. Especially when you see the way YouTube is going. To get new users, you may have to appease to the short attention span.
  5. That is one thing that keeps me out of the VR community, I get easily motion sick from it and 3D movies. So why invest money in something that I can't actually use? And I know you were agreeing with me, I was just saying that both of those are pointless. Nor do I want a wreck it Ralph two or ready player one type of metaverse. Where you would get pop up ads like no tomorrow. I can imagine you will get that on FBs meta. Not that SL is a metaverse. It's a virtual world, always has been.
  6. I'm saying that SL should offer the same options as RL. What options do you want exactly? That they also offer in RL.
  7. I just don't think going the route of motion tracking, or webcam tracking is what we need in SL.
  8. NGL, why do we need motion-tracking things in SL? I mean it's useless when SL is just mouse and keyboard or just keyboard, depending on your settings. That and we sit in a desk. Also, why do we need puppeteering or webcam facial expression thingies? I mean it seems like people want SL as a VR-only platform. If that were the case, I would quit SL. I don't need to get Nauseous and I am sure as heck not investing a lot more of my RL money, just to enjoy SL.
  9. I was talking about old people I have known who are stuck in their ways. I wasn't meaning all old people. But the way SL it is like it is somehow stuck in the past. Not wanting to let go of the good old days.
  10. What LL needs to do is rebuild SL from the ground up. And then maybe we would have a shot at being a competitor in the virtual worlds/ metaverse race.
  11. I'm not, but I mean if you don't advance and progress with the times. Not be like an older person stuck in their ways. You will never succeed. Sure it's nice to have a niche market. But SL needs to really update everything, if they expect to get new users.
  12. People have gotten married in Minecraft, GTA online, and many other online video games. But even then a marriage in any of these doesn't constitute a legal marriage. And I have had gaming friends crying over my shoulder in other games. There is really no difference between SL and any other online game.
  13. Why is that? I feel like there are two people in SL. Those of us who realize it's just a game. Like an MMO. And then those people who metaphorically upload their conscienceness into our avatars and really can't tell the difference between the two worlds. I believe that SL is just a video game, that one can interact with people all over the world. Kinda like MMOs.
  14. Actually the Meta Avatars have legs. But that is beyond the point. I would rather see SL continue as a virtual world, instead of changing to a metaverse. I mean have you seen ready player one? I also don't want them to force vr on us all. I am one of those people who get nauseous when I'm wearing a VR headset.
  15. Oh I have heard of those stores. But it bugs me that it's hard to find those styles. Like I can now see what men in SL are going through, when they say style for them is very limited. I just want to see unisex like back in 2013, when L&B would make a nice leather jacket for men and make a similar style for women. But that is a rarity nowadays.
  16. Second Life is just the name of the product. It has nothing to do with SL and RL being parallel to each other. I feel like with that thinking, you have a hard time ascertaining between what's RL and SL.
  17. Another pet peeve. For women's clothes, I either see kawaii stuff, overly feminine stuff or hyper sexual apparel. Now if you like it, it's all fine and good. But for people like me it feels as if I either have to assimilate into one of these three styles or just go without. Whatever happened to the more diverse styles from like 2013? Where a female had a whole slew of other styles. Now it's just those 3 and goth. Again I don't have a problem with others wearing it. But I want the tomboy style back. Without all the tube or crop tops.
  18. Ngl, I don't know why LL is going this direction. I mean they need to keep in their own direction. Be unique.
  19. Sure but the common sense thing is to explain to the child, teen or younger. What is the difference between right and wrong, and real not and not real. I mean it is literally down to the Parents to teach the kids the difference. But back to the whole thing, I mean there are also studies to prove that people with schizophrenia have a difficult time to distinguished between what's real and not real. But not everyone in SL has a mental affliction that makes it hard to determine what is real and fake. I can see what you are saying. But I think the proper word should be animal play.
  20. Okay, but the whole thing is. There is a human behind that avatar. I am not saying the behaviour is okay. That and it's not a real horse.
  21. *****? Since when is two furries going at it, considered *****? I mean that is the only thing I can think of. That and two ferals going at it. I am not in that community. But you would need an actual animal for it to be called *****.
  22. Maybe cause SL doesn't fall under the exact definition of a metaverse. It is a virtual world. So maybe that is why we aren't in the current metaverse thingy.
  23. I don't think your star sign really determines who you are gonna be. Not gonna lie.
  24. I mean some people do meet outside of SL and have amazing relationships outside of the platform. I mean I am not saying to start a family. But I have a partner that I met in SL. That is also my RL partner.
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