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Everything posted by SpookyPooky

  1. Kik? I don't think I've ever heard of kik before, thank you! I have a few friends who prefer to remain anon, so that might work out for them better, thank you again!
  2. Most likely I'm putting this in the wrong spot, so please feel free to lock or move the thread or what have you but anyways: I don't log in as much as I would like to anymore, and I'm having trouble staying in contact with my copious amounts of friends in SL, outside of SL. There's the obvious candidates of adding people to your Facebook and the like, making a secondlife facebook account, but other than that and Flickr, how else does one keep in contact outside of SL with their SL friends? I've tried skype, and discord, it would just be nice to know if there are other ways, in case one or another of my friends can't use those things. I have a few who are uncomfortable (for their own personal reasons that I understand) with sharing their personal names and facebooks, and I myself can't make a facebook account with SpookyPooky as the name lol
  3. I feel like, for me, it sort of depends of the avatar itself, where I am, the persons profile ect. If I'm on a roleplay sim, I tend to gravitate towards the avatars that look well put together, not necessarily expensive, but like they've really thought about what 'character' they're emulating. I'm attracted to them more I think because the effort tends to translate into their writing as well. If I'm not on an RP sim and I'm not RPing, then my consideration of the avatar sort of changes. Does it look like they're just here for the perverted stuff? Not a bad thing, just not for me and we probably wouldn't have much to talk about. Are they purposefully making themselves look in an offensive manor? (Such as, is your avatar African American? Is it a bad, racist steryo-type? I'll probably avoid). Am I looking for romance? Then I'm probably looking to see if I'm attracted to your avatar, but maybe not in the 'do I like your shape? is it mesh?' but more 'do we have a similar style/taste that we like?' With males, I like them taller than me, big and strong looking. Girls I love curves and girlieness and tomboyness. I guess, in short, it kinda depends on what I'm looking for? 'Ugly' and 'Pretty' are subjective as others have said, and I do admit to seeing Avatars that just...don't look nice to me, but that doesn't mean I wont be nice and talk to someone and make friends.
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