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  1. They are FULL bodies (meaning the body, head, hands, and feet) with alpha HUD for the body, not to be confused with full version
  2. We've been implementing our new HUD on all the bento bodies, which only requires the user to use the Omega Kit installer once. You can pack it all away after it's installed
  3. Altamura doesn't say they're 'full' versions, we say they're 'fullbodies', meaning the complete body. We distinctly say the gift fullbodies only have a full body alpha HUD so people may actually use them in their daily SL time. In the enclosed notecard, in ALL CAPS, we also say no appliers work with them.
  4. Most Slink shoes fit the female Altamura bodies very well, and as with everything in SL, try the demos first :)
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