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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. Having fun with the Moles at the SL21B Water activities event at the Aquatorium. Me and Squeaky Mole and then a bumper boats contest - Moles vs Residents (Moles were blue). Yes, Moles lost...
  2. I has swag! A flaming kobold and a fiery lantern, what could possibly go wrong on a book laden wooden ship....
  3. To add to Madi's point, it was disappointing to be told that all the regions at SL21B would be General apart from the Adult ones only to find out this was not the case as the non-adult Shop N Hop regions are moderate. The original notecard even advertised the Shop n Hop as being on General so something obviously happened in between - the new version just refers to it as Shop n Hop. Now, Shop N Hop has always been on moderate sims - that's not the issue, the issue is poor expectation management and communication. We were led to believe one thing and instead found something different.... It was also somewhat of a shock to click the teleport to Shop N Hop while expecting to arrive in a General sim only to arrive in a Moderate one where how alert I need to be is very different. to reiterate, this is about trust and confidence, not kids demanding everywhere be General...
  4. Went and looked at the Mobile Exhibition.
  5. Me and mom on the deck of the Nimbus airship at SL21B - Mom's chilling and I'm like come on let's go!
  6. Spotted @Love Zhaoying at the Mobile Exhibition!
  7. The Notecard Greeters are handing out makes me think The Shop n Hop is meant to be General too. So either the notecard and Dyna's post is wrong or the region ratings are wrong.
  8. Is this meant to include Shop and Hop? Because Shop n Hop regions are Moderate.
  9. latest drivers yes, and I tried turning off VSynch and limiting frame rate that way and saw marginal improvement.
  10. So I tried looking down at me and the ground and this made no difference to FPS. Think it might have to do with my display. I play SL on my 55' TV 🙃
  11. I must be doing something wrong then because at the moment I'm getting between 20-25 fps at home with just me and my mum.
  12. So I just got the latest version of Firestorm. What sort of performance / frame rates wold you expect with my current set up? if anyone has any tips on how to optimise that would be very much appreciated. My system specs are as follows: NVIDIA GeForce RTX2060 Intel I7-7800X @3.5GHz (6 cores) RAM - 32GB
  13. Only 1 part of the TOS changes is yet to be in effect. There rest went live May 2nd. We've already been living with the majority of them for 6 weeks, and regarding the modesty layers, LL have already said they are going to use a re-educate first approach. Obviously, people who choose not to comply will eventually be banned. However, I suspect that will be a very small amount of people in the grand scheme of things. So, no June 30th party?
  14. $500 set up free, plus 1st year $500 then $500 every year? holy moly!!!
  15. Is it possible to request a custom last name?
  16. My question is, why would you use this over Flickr? If someone could convince me that it's better or more useful than Flickr then I might consider using it, but in all honesty, I find it hard to keep up with social media at the best of times anyway without adding more to it.
  17. That's disappointing to hear. I'd actually consider trying the default viewer again (been years since I used it) but then that would mean no RLV which is vital for my Starries HUD. I'm off work after today's shift for awhile so I'm hoping to try out Firestorm's PBR and also Shop n Hop at SL21B!
  18. I've not had a chance to try it yet. What do people think?
  19. Me too, I just wish LL had thought it through and been a bit more tactful in how they executed everything. We got there eventually once they listened and explained everything, but for a long while there was a lot of unneeded anxiety which LL could have prevented had they communicated things more effectively. 6 weeks ago I was terrified of what was going to happen, especially with the whole 'cannot be removed' aspect, but now, 10 days away from the 30th June deadline, I'm really not concerned at all. The main thing to consider going forward is the whole being around nudity thing. I understand why it is absolutely necessary as a rule, but it does make it so you can't really ever relax while out in public since you always have to be watching and assessing the situation. I've found that I now tend to position myself on the edge of crowds etc with my back to something so I can see everything in front of me. Similarly, I often cam around alot more before going into places.
  20. Whether it happened or not is kind of moot at this point. The important thing is that people think it happened. Not only that, but stakeholders like Apple, Google and Paypal were concerned so of course LL acted. Any business would.
  21. I don't think we'll hear anything about Zindra at SL21B. The main focus at the moment seems to be Mobile and optics. Having read your feedback, I can't see any reason why LL shouldn't add rez zones, upgrade public buildings etc and allow scripts on public roads so things like vehicles will work. Would that make you feel less ostrisised? Or is there more to that feeling? I wouldn't want to see Zindra moved closer though, but that's because I play a child avatar and I already have to worry about how I move around SL and connecting everything up would only make that more complicated. Kind of how at the event the General and Adult sims will be kept separate. I do think LL should develop more adult land though. If they did, the price of adult land would drop and there would be less incentive for people to buy cheap General land and fill it up with Adult content. NIMBY- ism is a thing though and I'm sure people who already own adult land would complain about losing value on their land which is potentially one of the reasons LL hasn't touched Zindra etc.
  22. Riding around on Falkor. Found a big LL looking eye / sign at the Welcome Hub.
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