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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. oh I plan too, my concern though, is complaince. Currently all child avis are broken. Hopefully my body can be updated soon so it will be complaint.
  2. I feel sick because it reminds me that there are people out there that want to do things to kids like that and not all of us had happy childhoods the first time around. I come to SL to relax and do the things I never got to enjoy when I was a kid in RL. My SL family are lovely and have helped me heal a lot.
  3. I didn't say I wanted to be nude, you took my post completely out of context. Where I said, whether I will be able to remin in SL, is refering to whether the content creator for my body will update so I will be complaint. I want to be complaint.
  4. As someone who exclusively plays a kid avatar this is my take. I agree with about 99.9% of everything the Labs are doing. Kids shouldn't be on adult land. I'd also like to see better policing of G land to ensure adults behave too. Even the modesty layer is mostly a good idea, it just probably should have been implemented from the start. The problem is the execution where it breaks years / $$$ of content. My avatar is effectively broken and will be banned on 30th June unless updates are forthcoming.Playing an adult avatar is not an option for me no more than people who have male avatars and would never use a female one or vise versa. Read the FAQ aimed at content creators. The body MUST have a baked in modesty layer that cannot be removed. Simply having a 3rd party skin from another creator with a modesty layer is not enough. I actually fully expect the labs to delete all the old versions of child avatars from people's accounts if / when things are updated. That's what I would do. The intent is to make it impossible for kids to be nude. Again, this is mostly a good idea, although part of me feels sick that I need this modesty layer - I've done nothing wrong and never will but will be punished because of the actions of a few. The execution is poor. My premium renewal is up this month. I don't see the point in spending £99 when I don't even know if I'll be able to remain in SL.
  5. It goes further than that. The skin must be made by the creator of the body and be locked in so there is never an option to be removed. The body must never be able to be nude. If you buy other skins with the modesty layer but the body is still capable of wearing a skin without the layer then you're not compliant.
  6. My yearly premium is up this month. I doubt I will be renewing.
  7. I'm just glad that Tweenster is still supported and the creator has said they are going to update. I literally have like 800 items of clothing that has cost thousands of linden dollars. Are you using SMB Madi? I know that's not been supported for a while now.
  8. It is, but I haven't done anything wrong so why does it feel like a punishment?
  9. That's my point though, there are very little skins specifically designed for children. Most of them are really old. A lot of kids use skins designed for Maitreya but with the flat chest / no genitalia versions. I can't see many creators going to the effort. They just won't make them so you'll be stuck with the default option the avi creator made.
  10. Hopefully creators can come up with a way to keep the modesty layer there no matter what skin is used otherwise it's going to make shopping for skins a nightmare. It's hard enough finding decent clothes as it is.
  11. The adult land thing never bothered me honestly as I never went to A land anyway. Currently though my avatar is broken until the creator can come out with an update. I don't go around without clothing anyway, but there's nothing stopping people derending my clothes..... does BOM underwear count as a modesty layer until things can be updated? I'd hate to get banned because other people want to be sickos.....
  12. It was a great event, that's me on the right weaing the green pants and my mom behind me!
  13. Mischief Managed is a Harry Potter RP sim based on the books and features Hogwarts.
  14. If you wouldn't wear it in front of your 80 year old grandma then probabvly don't wear it to a G-sim. Similarly, I avoid A rated sims like the plague. Funnily enough, the bigger problem, IMO, is people who treat M sims like adult ones.
  15. Unfortunately the same is true in SL. It's very rare that a man will IM me but when they do I always groan. Inievtiably you get things like "You're good looking," etc after the inital hi. Usually followed by me blocking them.
  16. I've never played an adult male or female so I can't speak from that side, but I have a lot of experience of talkin to people as a child avatar so perhaps I can offer a unique perspective? I find that lots of female avis are happy to chat, I assume because there is no implicit threat? My guess is that more women would chat with men if they didn't feel pressured or under threat etc? As for men. Most men absolutely ignore kid avis unless they're with a significant other who is already chatting to you, and then it's more out of 'being polite,' or humoring if you know what I mean? It's interesting, isn't it? Women chat because there is no threat, men do not because there is nothing to gain and when they do it's because there's something to lose if they don't?
  17. Another thing not mentioned is family. Families in SL take many different forms. Some people will be adopted into families even as adult avis or use pregnancy huds to have babies such as Zoobys. There are even people such as myself who play child avatars who have families. This is me and my mom 😁
  18. Got a lovely picture of Viola Mole! She even turned into her pretty kitty form and went near some pretty flowers. Then she said I should be in the picture too!
  19. Recently landed a home in Sakura and here is how I decided to decorate the interior. Have to say I'm really enjoying having a garden in the middle of the house! 😁
  20. I was there today! Me and my mom sailed over from my linden home which is only a couple of sim's away from the fairgrounds. I had no idea it was there! We just saw all the green dots and got curious lol.
  21. I started off in 2017 with a mesh body but normal SL head, upgrded my head to Catwa in 2019 and lately I've updated my head to Letlutka and now utilize BOM for my skin too.
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