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Posts posted by animats

  1. Media on a prim is a big load for the viewer. For each one of those, the viewer launches a "Dullihan" task with a headless copy of the Chrome browser.  That's why it takes so long to start up; you're opening an entire web browser. This probably worked better before web browsers started needing a gigabyte of RAM.

    It's mostly used for things like TV sets and movie screens, where you usually only have one to look at.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    New accounts get a random color featureless jelly doll avatar and a button to pick a different random color. The first guide they ever have to pay attention to becomes "How do I get an avatar". No starter avatars, no freebie festooned welcome areas, nothing. All they have to master is how to move their placeholder body about and chat. 

    That's like teaching kids to swim by dumping them into the deep end of the pool. It would work out OK for some users, and terrify others.

    "You're a default" - middle school insult, from Fortnite.

    Is there an official "How to get dressed" course in SL. If not, why not?

  3. 5 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    FS's idea of that does not seem to include stopping object rotation.

    That's my code. Firestorm 6.3.9 should stop rotation at region crossings when it gets much beyond 20°. If you see much more than that, please take a screenshot and let me know. Thanks.

    Note this is all in the viewer, and affects only what you see. It has no effect on region crossing failures, or that horrible case where the viewer loses control of the vehicle for several seconds and then gets control back, probably after hitting an obstacle. Some vehicles, including my own bikes, detect that in LSL and freeze in place or warn the user. Several people think this has been happening more lately. It seems to be worse during SL busy periods.

    With better vehicles, there's some region crossing assistance in the vehicle's LSL code. Mine do this:

    • On each region crossing, momentarily freeze the vehicle until the avatars catch up. This is about 40ms of delay when things are going well, so you don't see it, and much longer when the sims are in trouble, when you need it.
    • After the region crossing is complete, force the velocity vector to what it was going into the crossing. So you come out moving in the same direction you went in.
    • Off the edge of a region, force a hover height. Region crossings actually trigger when you're 1m off the region, to prevent frantic switching when on the edge, so there's a short distance when you're out of the region but the next sim hasn't picked you up yet. This is when you sink. This trick prevents sinking at region crossings where the surfaces don't extend a little into the next sim.
    • Slow down close to region corners. Way, way down if about to cross two region boundaries.

    Everything I do was used in some other vehicle before I did it, but many builders kept these techniques a secret. I've tried to get other builders to put this stuff in, so I tell people how I do it. The code is open source and on Github. With all this stuff, you can pretty much ignore the minor region crossing problems and just drive.

    Still get a total fail and have to teleport or reload about every 45 minutes of driving, like everybody else. I'd really like to get that fixed. Biggest immersion-breaking bug in SL. Almost nothing else regularly messes you up so badly you may have to relog. Impacts driving, sailing, flying, large scale roleplay and combat, etc. Come on, LL people. This is embarrassing.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    In c# for example it is advised to avoid using strict equality operators because floats can end up unequal due to precision errors but still relatively close to each others (within 0.0001 for example)

    I'm now wondering if those recommendations are valid for LSL too.

    With IEEE 754 floating point, which SL (and all modern CPUs) uses, you are guaranteed that all integers with 7 or fewer decimal digits are represented exactly. So, 99 will always be 99, not 98.9997. This does not apply to fractional values. 99.1 may be 99.09997. See this Wikipedia article for the theory.

    32-bit floats do have implications in world. It's not really enough precision at high altitudes a few thousand meters up. It can even give trouble near the far corner of a sim, near <256,256>. You lose some precision when you apply a rotation to a vector or rotation, and that error can accumulate. Keyframe animation (llSetKeyframedMotion)  is especially subject to this problem, because each step in the animation has a position and a rotation that is applied to the previous result. Being off by 10cm at the end of keyframe motion is not unusual. I have to check for this in my NPCs.

  5. If you're going to build something which has no relationship to its neighborhood, there are places for that.


    A non-continent. You can't see nearby sims unless they have an edge in common. So each sim sees water to the horizon, and can't cross any region boundaries.



    A non-neighborhood. Go ahead, put up huge walls.

    If you want isolation in SL, it's available. That's where skybox stacks and walled parcels belong. Not on mainland.

    There are probably more isolated parcels on such sims than on mainland. Only a small percentage of mainland owners wall off their property. Each one creates an ugly barrier visible for quite a distance.

    A directory of land set up as isolated parcels would help here. These are all private estates, and Second Life doesn't have a multiple listing service for land, like RL does.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    So covenants work best when enforcement is inexpensive.

    Yes. The Belli-type rules on sky junk, security orbs, and ban lines are easy to enforce. The more vague rules on not changing the house style are tougher.

    Some of the big private estates have zoning. One big landlord has five types of land use.

    The Confederation of Democratic Simulators works like a town; they have elected leaders, rules, and zoning. It's one of the very few places in SL with a democratically elected government.

    New Babbage has an autocrat and building inspection, to enforce design consistency. They've been quite successful at that.

    I'd argue for much weaker rules for mainland than those places have, but stronger rules than we have now. Start with a few areas and see what happens.


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  7. 21 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

    Yes. Probable cause: one root cert of Usertrust expired May 30th. Ref:


    "The short answer is the overwhelming majority of people will not experience any problems when the AddTrust root expires in May. The AddTrust cross-signing was originally done to account for older devices that did not include the USERTrust root. If the USERTrust root is present (as it is in 100% of modern browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices), the software will simply choose a trust path that leads to USERTrust and ignores AddTrust. Due to the USERTrust root’s ubiquity, only a vanishingly small number of legacy devices can be expected to experience trust issues when AddTrust expires."

    Added above explanation to JIRA. LL just needs to load a more modern set of root certificates into the servers.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Moira Timmerman said:

    I've only been here 6 years, but the sense I get from talking with others that have been around for a long time and from seeing pictures from the earlier days, is that the RL 'realism' that seems to be a focus these days wasn't the focus initially. 

    Early SL was cartoon-like, and everyone was issued a gun. SL has come a long way.

    SL looks very good when you do it right. See anything posted by Strawberry Singh. After all the headaches, EEP is starting to work, and we can look at the sky again. The moon is very nice. Sunsets are impressive.

    So blatantly ugly objects stand out more.


    Sunset at Calleta. Note strange white objects on right. That's a building with a bad lowest LOD model.

    The technical and social issues of cleaning up SL are tough, but not impossible. Pushing all sky junk to somewhere above 1000m, as with Bellessaria, would be a good first step.


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  9. Seeing many HTTP 499 errors from SL today, talking to my logging server. Happening in multiple regions. Worked yesterday. Site is responding to the logging URL.

    HTTP error 499 is not a real HTTP error; it means the SL servers have some problem. Anyone else seeing this today?


  10. llTargetOmega sets rotation, and that's supposed to be persistent, but it isn't reliably persistent. You can't start up a fan or a windmill and expect it to run forever, over sim restarts, logouts, edits, unrelated changes, etc. It's good for vehicle wheel rotation, where the speed gets changed now and then via occasional llTargetOmega calls.

    Since this is viewer-side, it's possible for different viewers to be seeing it in different positions, or not rotating.

  11. Yes, it does make mainland look junky.

    Once LL gets more region server capacity on AWS, it may be time for a crackdown on mainland sky junk. The Bellessaria rules seem to work well - no sky junk below 2000m. Offer an opportunity for a land swap and a free move to a non-continent of isolated sims for people who want to be alone.


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  12. More by a VC type on the Metaverse:

    "Just as every company a few decades ago created a webpage, and then at some point every company created a Facebook page, I think we’re approaching the point where every company will have a real-time live 3D presence, through partnerships with game companies or through games like Fortnite and Minecraft and Roblox... That’s starting to happen now. It’s going to be a much bigger thing than these previous generational shifts. Not only will it be a boon for game developers, but it will be the beginning of tearing down the barriers not just between platforms but between games.” - Tim Sweeney (you know, Epic, Fortnite, Unreal Engine...)


    Of course, SL did that already, and it was a flop. Older users will remember when big companies had a big presence in SL. Will there be a round 2 of that? Could it work? What would it take?

    Or will this be a niche market for decades to come? I don't know, but, after a long hiatus, a lot of money is being spent on metaverse-like systems. There are about a hundred wannabe metaverse systems right now. There's a lot of action going on. Somebody might get a hit.

    I'd like to see Second Life play a major role in this, but SL is not moving forward very fast right now.

    • Haha 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    Should be pretty obvious by now, that any technology proclaiming to help solve all problems (rather than a specific problem), are just technologies with out a real purpose and we all better be throwing ideas at the wall to see what might stick. If nothing sticks, lets have a new word in a few years time and try again.

    Then came the smartphone, which replaced all other mobile devices. But, yes, I get the point. Ryan Schultz's blog has a list of about a hundred virtual world systems. Few have more than 1000 users. Nobody has a big hit yet. It's hard to guess what gets huge. Shooting for medium-sized, a few hundred thousand users, with very good quality, though... SL could get there.



    No, the perfect tool for the job. Lot of people all in one place, a simplistic stylized look, only requires people have an account and can spend a few minutes on a skin website. (the reality being, most everyone already has an account with a skinned avatar).

    Now look at this for SL. Not a lot of people in one place, the account is free but good luck getting socially acceptable pixels from scratch with no idea what you're doing in 20 minutes, event falls apart due to lag and flying *********** copters raining ***** on **** then **** took ***** in the ******** and it was a complete ******* show. SL's woes aren't technical.


    Yes, SL has a whole series of problems which new users must overcome. Somehow, that needs to be fixed.

    Social Island 10 hit the top of the Destinations list yesterday. I went to see what was happening, expecting a special event. No. A bunch of older users talking. Some jerks. Someone, not a new user, was zooming around in a super-warrior outfit with particle effects plowing into random people. Three zero day users. One was stuck, having attached a non-wearable object. One was just standing around. And one, in the starter female shorts and plaid shirt outfit, seemed to be cowering in fear, moving away if anyone got near her.

    The new user experience still needs much work.

  14. More mainstream press coverage of "metaverse" type stuff. Forbes: Has the pandemic launched us into the age of the metaverse?

    "The metaverse is defined as the collective, virtual and shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality and the internet. .. always relatively niche, and until now, hasn’t reached a majority audience. But events on the technological scene suggest that we could be close to moving from this relatively marginal use to more significant levels of adoption, particularly as a way of dealing with the pandemic and the new realities it has generated."

    There's unfocused enthusiasm for a metaverse in the trade press and VC communities. It's not focused on any one system; it's the general idea that seems to be gaining speed. LL needs to be exploiting this more.

    (Roblox and Minecraft are making metaverse noises and have had a big bump in usage during lockdown. People really want to build. Two major college graduations were held in Minecraft. Wrong tool for the job, but SL's technical problems prevent SL being used for that as much as it should be.)


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