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  1. Thank you again ! I guess the methods that I tried to use were not the best. Also starting a topic as I did was not appropriate ; I guess i'll just rely on the research bar and private messages.
  2. I am simply doing research on virtual representations.
  3. No, I didn't say that. I was saying that regular teenagers lie about things. Of course, average teenagers don't have problems in dissociating virtual reality and real life !
  4. Thank you! You are right, Adam is a teenager, which makes it even more complicate because teenage years are a period of tourment. Haha yes, but I also remember being underage and lying about it to subscribe on different sites on the internet. I guess Adam is a regular teenager on this issue.
  5. I used the term rape because this is how they name it in the scientific article that is the origin of my research work. The thing is that we are not here to decide whether it was a real rape or not (which it clearly wasn't anyway), but to determine why the person considers it was a rape and what pushed her to go that far. I am simply doing research on people's emotions. I am aware that rape is a very delicate subject and this is why I am interested in this. Because there could be fake rape investigations on a person that did not commit it and this is important. I just want to understand the mechanisms.
  6. Thank you for the reply. I did come to the conclusion very quick that it is a tabu subject. I really don't want to offend anyone and I can understand that people are attached to SL. You are right, I am a newcomer and currently educating myself on the vocabulary, the rules and the general context of SL.
  7. As I said, I am a psychology student. I literally study peoples' feelings. I do not investigate rape in general, I only want to learn about how people represent this kind of violence in their real lives. Of course this person that we talk about in article has a problem of dissociation of reality and fantasy, you are totally right. But we are not here to judge. I am not here to say it is true or false, I am only here to determine what pushed this person to go this far.
  8. It also appeared in the journal « De Standaard », Belga press agency.
  9. I am French so if you speak french, sure. There is an article about an incident in Belgium. https://www.cairn.info/revue-cahiers-de-psychologie-clinique-2010-2-page-57.htm#no5 I'm not sure that you can read it without paying, since it is a university issues site.
  10. When talking to a person in private, of course I will share my name, the institution etc. There are papers that those to give their testimony will have to sign in order to accept the terms and conditions. Everything is officially contextualized by the University. I will not collect data until the person doesn't sign the documents. I'm sorry if that detail was not obvious, I was not clear enough. By wasting your time, I was referring to having a debate on whether or not there is rape and violence that has a real impact on people's emotions. We seem to not agree on the subject, which is fine. But there is no need to go further.
  11. Just because something happened years ago doesn't mean it doesn't matter anymore. Your are right about the fact that people may no longer be active on SL, but when we're doing academic research we try everything even if the chance of getting a feedback is 0,01%. We are all are aware that internet is a platform where people can lie about their lives (just as irl) and of course we are precocious about everything we are told. Doing research, we may be told 1000 stories and only rely on 2 of them, because the rest is not valuable. There is nothing unprofessional about searching for witness and you don't know my methodology, so please don't judge something that you're not part of.
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