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Megan Puchkina

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Everything posted by Megan Puchkina

  1. Graphics Presets allows you to save and restore different sets of graphics settings within the viewer. The idea being that users can then switch between these different pre-sets according to circumstance to help with viewer performance. So, for example, one pre-set might have all the performance hitting items – shadows, projectors, etc., – turned on / up for times when the overall quality and depth of detail in a scene is important (such as when taking photos). Another might have these more taxing capabilities turned down / off to ease the processing load on a computer during more general activities. A third might be established for “in door” uses, with things like draw distance and the level of detail for external items (the sky, trees, terrain, reflections, etc.) all turned down, again easing the processing load. The capability started as a contribution from open-source developer Jonathan Yapp, and is easy to use. Simply use the Graphics Preferences options (main tab in Preferences and the Advanced Setting panel) to set your desired pre-sets for a given situation (including the Avatar Complexity setting you might wish to use), then click on the Save Settings As A Preset… button on Graphics Preferences, enter a name for the set, and click Save. You can do this for as many sets as you feel the need to set-up.
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