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Everything posted by NXCombat

  1. Interesting, I didn't see that. I wonder if you could protest it by a mass boycott on exporting lindens for a whole month
  2. So after reading the latest blog release from LL I am legitimately curious to know just exactly what "more flexible pricing" actually means once the SL servers have been upgraded to the cloud. Now you could all yell "OMG CHEAPER TIER" but I severely doubt that will ever be the case. Cheaper premium perhaps?. See the problem with tier prices as has been stated several million times on this forum is that Linden Labs LITERALLY can not lower tier prices no matter how much we want them too. Reason being is the land barons.. Companies like the Chungs, Weazles etc have all bought their sims and locked in grandfathered tier deals that we could only ever dream of having. If LL was to lower tier these companies would loose a substantial amount of money and probably threaten to...if not fully pull out of SL all together and take with them a fairly large chunk of the profit LL makes from them. So as regards tier prices I feel like LL's hands are tied. Perhaps they mean cheaper setup costs for regions?. What do you guys think? I am also curious about this "more new ways to stop the bad guys". I wonder what they have planned, I mean can you really stop copyright infringers?. I don't see how they could fully tackle that issue short of banning all third party viewers thus at least preventing Copybot viewers from being able to log into Second Life. Also what do you think of the new 2.5% transaction with no limit?. Lastly am I the only one in SL who found the new Glytches game to be utterly boring and repetitive after 10 minutes of playing it?. I really do not see the hype that linden labs is trying to build here with this new "grid wide experience". Thoughts?
  3. Yeah I saw but I figured I would post it here anyway. The more people are aware about it the less anyone will fall for it.
  4. So I just received this notice in local chat from a 0 day avatar. https://gyazo.com/e3a04f1a6c2a09488af41ca2d1f813ba I know most of you guys are not silly enough to fall for this but posting it here anyway to let others know that its a scam and not to fall for it. The lab would not contact you this way so just block, report and ignore
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