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Everything posted by Lumiae

  1. I couldn't log in on my alt the same way I did for my main, but I tried all the 'social island' sims. Example; "Social Island 1" "Social Island 2" and so forth until 9. I could log in and manage to TP home. Just couldn't login directly home somehow....
  2. I managed to log in, its mainland Second life Server and I can use the global map to TP into neighbouring sim. I can also use a Landmark to TP into a RC BlueSteel region too.
  3. Is it so broken that the number of agents in-world stayed the same on my firestorm login screen? I remember that one time, SL went offline and there were only 30 agents.
  4. I thought there was something wrong with my viewer or internet. I can't log in either. Let's hope they resolve it soon.
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