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Jae Villa

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Everything posted by Jae Villa

  1. Oh dear... I better let the rest of the Aesthetic gays know we're doing it wrong...
  2. My friends certainly do. In fact I can barely sign in without at least one person checking how I am, talking about the disaster they had the night before with a new mesh body or discussing random stuff. Generally this means I never get anything done. My houses are half empty. My land is oddly shaped. Oh... is that totally unfinished sci-fi platform? Why yes it is. Damn social people...
  3. If anthropomorphic frogs, wolves, tigers, deers, chinchillas and dragons count as human shaped then no not all of them as I've also got a horse, a dog and lots of robots. It's Second Life, if I wanted just to be human I can do that in RL!
  4. This is going to be controversial so let's just state, up front, I hate TMP. It's too complicated and who knows if it'll even work soon or not. However... for the body shapes you've shown above I believe TMP is the best mesh body out there to achieve that look. It can be slimmed right down and give the appearance of a twink very easily. I've seen it, I've liked it and I've cried out in horror that it was TMP as no way I'll ever achieve that look myself (I've got the TMP body, I've just not got the will to tackle it ever again). As I do not like TMP I can't offer advice on skins... However, of course, for clothing needs Belleza Jake and Signature Gianni are your best bets. Gianni is very muscular but if you aren't going going to spend all day naked then it is probably the best bet for achieving a cool young guy look with a huge range of clothing and add-on options.
  5. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/112/112/76 - 1024m2 parcel at L$4000 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/85/120/70 - 512m2 at L$2000 (Note: Reedenham has a lot of land for sale by other people, some by Land Barons but some reasonably priced land has just come up too so if you looking for space/prims, this is the region for you!) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/113/168/61 - 512m2 at L$2000 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/8/128/58 - 512m2 at L$2000
  6. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/144/176/61 is now sold. Rest still available (plus this http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/85/120/70 - 512m2, 175 prims plot has now become available next door to the 1024m2 plot (short side on I'm afraid!)
  7. Some of my land has "ocean views" (i.e. you can see it if you squint and look between two neighbouring AFK adult places...). I'm tripling the price now I know that's an option! Whenever anyone describes their land as "amazing" "excellent" or "has ocean views" I don't even bother checking it out. Give me: price, size, rating and a SLURL. That's all I'm after as it's not hard to spot the lie to false advertising by simply visiting so I wish people would stop exaggerating.
  8. Region: Reedenham http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/112/112/76 - 1024m2 parcel at L$5000 Region: Bexington http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/144/176/61 - 1024m2 parcel at L$5000 (directly next door to below parcel if looking for something bigger) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/113/168/61 - 512m2 parcel at L$2500 (directly next door to above parcel if looking for something bigger) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/8/128/58 - 512m2 parcel at L$2500 (away from other two parcels but if you need extra prims it could be useful!)
  9. 1024m2, 350 prims, no rules beyond TOS-compliance, full rights to do as you please. L$200 a week. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/112/112/76
  10. So... this is embarrassing I arrived in the great big 2006 newbie invasion. Got out of orientation island and immediately ran into some Goreans (these were proper scary Goreans, the ones on Second Life these days seem so much more laidback). I was very confused and a non-Gorean guy wandered up offering me help. So that's how I ended up enslaved on day one. I'm not sure if RLV was around then but I certainly remember him getting me a collar. No slavery isn't the reason I stayed. My Master introduced me to his friends who were a bunch of ridiculously amusing people who enjoyed all the fun things... multiplying strawberry chairs, Tiny Empires, airship flying and random chats. I was hooked at that point. When my Master disappeared for RL reasons I drifted off of Second Life having become disconnected from that group... Then I came back last year. And what hooked me this time was the mesh bodies. The quality of the looks you could create and the diversity of clothing made me really interested. Got into furry briefly too as there's some amazing avatars in that community. And during that process made a group of friends of my own that have kept me coming back over and over. Now I'm in deep I've started exploring land owning, creating objects (balls that move... baby steps people... baby steps) and selling stuff. Learning that stuff keeps it fresh for me, and given the complexities of mesh, scripting etc. I'll never run out of things I don't understand and want to learn about!
  11. There are tonnes of poor quality and badly hosted clubs out there inworld. Yet you plan to offer a lower quality service (no DJ and just a radio station) whilst attempting to charge an entrance fee (i.e. higher cost than most all clubs on the grid). I'll be interested to see if offering a poorer service at a higher cost works out. P.S. Video displays would be cool so I suspect there's a technical, lag-related reason they aren't common?
  12. You... 1) Know more than me 2) Imagine I'm a member of a club I'm unaware of. That term is just.. a term as far as I know.
  13. As someone who arrived "mid-surge" back in 2006 and who left in 2009 and has now returned I find this obsession on overall number of users to be somewhat pointless for anyone who doesn't work for Linden Labs. The really important "stat" is one that can't really be quantified. That is "overall quality of users". When I was first on Second Life it was fun, don't get me wrong. But it was a glorious mess, griefing was everywhere, annoying trolls (not the cool fantasy kind either...) were on every sim. Now... griefing, trolling and stalking still happen yet not anywhere near the scale they used to. The normies, those interested in a fad, are gone. Now it is mostly those who are invested emotionally or financially in Second Life left. I met a bunch of trolling nasty people the other day at a shopping event who were trying to cause trouble... all them had expensive and personalised avatars. I thought to myself "These guys have really put some time and thought into this performance..." Even the trolls are better quality now! What this means is we get genuinely awesome creations from dedicated and skilled creators. We get fun, happy online experiences with people equally invested in those experiences. We should be focusing on improving that quality of user (especially through outreach to and retention of newbies) and let the numbers ebb and flow as they will. I know some of the more jaded long-term members, still hurting from the regular Linden Lab shake-ups of rules of yesteryear, can forget this sometimes but... Second Life is amazing. And I'm so glad to have come back.
  14. This is no longer available but I still have the following available for any TOS-compliant activity and no rules like the above! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bexington/8/128/58 - 512m2, 175 prims, L$100 a week http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kraddic/195/209/60 - 1024m2, 350 prims, L$200 a week http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Reedenham/115/111/75 - 1024m2, 350 prims, L$200 a week
  15. Like 4 years in total... 2006 - 2009 and then 2017 - ? A lot changed in between! But it still has that intoxicating "possibility" that is always there... just around the corner. That's why it is so addictive.
  16. So I've done two requests for land bordering (not surrounding) my land and both were approved. My neighbour put forward a request for some land between the two of us, so land one could say was contestable (I so would've bid for it!) and they got that approved for direct sale too yesterday. So seems pretty liberal at the moment. Though second request took a few days longer than the first, suggesting they are being inundated.
  17. 512m2 parcel available for rent roadside in an adult mainland region. 175 prims but more negotiable if needed. Must have a commercial ground based unit. Skyboxes allowed for any other TOS-compliant purpose. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kraddic/136/68/67
  18. Today I'm mostly falling in love with the new skybox I've selected as my private area. Now I need to decorate... It was just 50 lindens... Outrageously good for the price...
  19. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kraddic/193/206/60 1024m2, 350 prims (more prims available for negotiation if needed) in adult mainland region. Any TOS-compliant activity allowed. L$200 a week rent.
  20. Super-duper premium: getting piggyback rides Basic-basic: giving piggyback rides to super-duper premium members. I think we've solved this! In all seriousness though.. I think the idea of a basic-basic is a bad one. Instead let's have a few premium levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold etc.) with improvements and privileges to match. Keep Second Life fun for free players and make it even better for those of us who invest more time and money in it.
  21. You've very clearly shown us here why a global chat, where I get to see interactions from people I don't know, is a terrible idea. Second Life is where you can make the life you want... and the life I want doesn't involve everyone in the entire world. It involves people I want to hang out with only... on Sims I choose to go to, in group chats and conferences.
  22. Just FYI, all TOS-compliant activities allowed. Residential or commercial, breedables, control over parcel name, description etc.
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