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Everything posted by springbox26

  1. Hi there, Yes, I have realised that I should have provided some more information in my initial post, and do sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. When I said 'I don't care what or where it is', I was meaning that I was just wanting a job, no matter what it was. I was simply wanting to form a foundation in my SL life, and centre my life around that job. Also, since we're here, I probably should add my basic skills. My basic skills: - Have basic computer knowledge (MS Office, etc.) - Have high standards in the field of the English language - Have good skills when it comes to Customer Service/Public Relations - Strong interests in the Aviation and Technology fields. I am able to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday afternoons (5-9pm, Australian Eastern Standard Time). This may vary, depending on number of assignments/exams I have due. Once again, thank you to Annabell and Talligurl for pointing out the issues in my application. I have fixed up a majority of them, hoping that this will help me in building my SL future. Regards, Springbox26
  2. Hi all, I'm presently looking for a job. I don't care really what the job is, or where it is, so long as it is in a 'General' rated zone. Any openings would be greatly appreciated. Rgds, Springbox26
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