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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. Reading some of the above posts, it seems likely that the issue is another AWS-related glitch. As such we are unlikely to see any comment from LL via the GSP unless the problems increase markedly. The current spate of AWS issues is concerning, to a wider userbase than just SL, so socks will need to be pulled up quickly at AWS unless they want some heavyweight complaints. ETA: I should know better! It is now on the GSP.
  2. Not that precisely but about 15 minutes ago I was getting random errors, mostly script errors without consequences on Teeglepet horses when freshly rezzed. It may not be connected but it IS unusual. Some appeared to be the consequence of the item not being able to communicate with a central server, so maybe those ARE connected. Nothing on the GSP yet...hardly a surprise though. ETA: this was on the LeTigre RC channel with the new build number.
  3. On top of that remember that the next generation of viewers using the Physically Based Rendering model will have Advanced Lighting on by default so it is not really an option to run such a low quality setting.
  4. @gwynchisholm Henri gave a definitive answer...sorry but I knew I was correct. as to AMD, while they do emulate 4.6, the native adapter code is 4.2. The result of that is that while it is much better than it was (and it was truly dreadful) AMD support and operation under OpenGL is still poorer that Nvidia's (though the latter are seemingly trying hard to negate their advantage with some fairly nasty bugs for folks with moderately complex monitor set ups (sets up?).
  5. @Monty Linden taking a simple-minded approach to this (the only sort I am capable of), it does not seem too onerous a task to insert some sort of abort command in the viewer code that returns the avatar to the departure sim, and announces a teleport failure if the destination sim never sends the TeleportFinish? Clearly that is not so, or it would have been done long ago...wouldn't it?
  6. An auspicious date to start this week! 22 years. Main Server (SecondLife Server) regions are rolled to 581535 as expected.
  7. @kyte Lanley it is as simple as this; Nvidia uses OpenGL 4.6 coding, AMD employs OpenGL 4.2 plus some clever enhancements to give a performance "approaching" 4.6. In SecondLife for now Nvidia is simply the better option. Once SL moves to the Vulkan render code NVidia's ascendancy will be much diminished, and the AMD "bang for buck" advantage that they enjoy in many non-OpenGL games will be eliminated (I assume). The advent of physically based rendering in SL will make the posession of large amounts of VRAM a distinct advantage but if cost is not your limiting parameter a high-end Nvidia card is best for SL. Wiser heads than mine can give you the metrics.
  8. What's running on "RC Red Bull", then? Better FPS perhaps?
  9. I'm puzzled by the apparent naming of the latest code referenced in release notes: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2023-09-01.6051776725.html. It appears to depart from the six digit identifier we have become used to. Any particular reason that anyone knows of?
  10. So, in a nutshell, we have the facts and their interpretation by the "official" and most TPVs. You are not seeing inaccuracies, you are comparing apples and pears. As @Theresa Tennyson says, 'twas ever thus.
  11. I was under the impression that Sansar no longer existed. You clearly know otherwise. I am surprised.
  12. Jinx. I logged into my home region (Woods of Heaven) today to a nice stable 170ms about an hour after it had restarted (unusually, twice within an hour). Several other regions that "had" been problematic were also as they used to be. Now (10 minutes ago) after a further 2-2.5 hours the ping has risen to 220ms nothing changed on the region of on the avatar, I wonder why it happens? Memory leak or just a rise in internet traffic?
  13. Put simply, @Paul Hexem, the OP is being exhorted to use the <enter> key to break up the monolithic post. For most the post is Tl;dr.
  14. OK, that clarifies the "who" let's seen what the "how long" is. That they acknowledge it suggests that someone big is yelling "FIX IT".
  15. @Merive Vermilion I'd guess that's a reflection of the volume of general internet traffic relative to your timezone, which is the same as mine. It is a pattern I've seen before when either a carrier or transatlantic cable is compromised. As to how long it will take to fix, it all depends on whether or not a major client is impacted. Money shouts. LL is small fry.
  16. @StilettoSara..frankly no, sorry. I never used that facility, so I never noticed its passing. The way I organise my inventory, I don't need it. The fact that on two accounts over 15 years I have a total inventory count or just over 100k suggests a certain mind-set! Sorry to be no help. My best guess would be about 2-3 years ago.
  17. Hmm using the AWS latency link to the Oregon servers I see a wide variation in ping from 175-250ms, quite a bit more than I would have expected from most SL regions until the past few days which showed 180-200ms on region so that incluses the viewer render time as Henri notes. I wonder where these 350-600ms values come from? ETA: I just tested again and now it is showing c.600ms latency. ETA2: another test 5 minutes later and the values are 285-310ms. What on earth would cause this? ETA 3: I just logged in to SL and my region, which had been running stably at just under 200ms is now 350+ms!? Am I seeing the variabilty of what I tested outside SL reproduced in my connection to SL at the moment I log in? I don't think so because it is consistent over 3 logins (logs in?) ETA 4: Nnnnope, after yet another relog now it is back to 190ms. At the third stroke it will be utterly confused!
  18. Quite simply, @Henri Beauchamp, I considered a slow, long way round, solution, but the fact that some regions were bad while some others were normal discounts that option. That AWS are "undergoing scheduled maintenance", @AmeliaJ08, is highly possible, nay probable and LL may be unaware of it. The response to a ticket I raised rather supports the latter; I had not appreciated that SecondLife's regions were now distributed across multiple locations, I'd always assumed a single entry point to the system. One final issue that has confused me is that while the statistics floater does indeed reflect the FPS based on the total frame time, consisting of render time and the signal latency, the FPS indicator in the UI of the newest (non-PBR) viewer continues to display my actual FPS, based, I assume on my GPU performance @Beq Janus? Bottom line, I haven't the foggiest.
  19. Thanks @Merive Vermilion you have seen the same as me, and the things we see "should" not be possible, I agree, but they are happening. Why different accounts on the same equipment have different experience make absolutely no sense to me, if I understand the workings of the internet correctly. @Henri Beauchamp, you are not telling me anything I did not know. That is not what I was seeing. There were some sims that I regualrly go to that were clearly NOT running cleanly: rezzing was irregular and unreliable. The issue of load on the AWS server may well have some relevance here though. One region that was running well last night is now being pole-axed by a high "ping", with no obvious explanation. What bothers me most about this is why some regions that were running perfectly a day or two ago are now cursed by high levels of latency. Ther have been changes recently and I have no indication at this time that LL were actually aware of some of them. The fact that I had to restart my region three time to get it running properly is strange, why did it take so many and did the region, a homestead, really remain on the same sim-server and merely swap host?
  20. This is a phenomenon that I have only just noticed so I don't know if it is seen regularly, nor do I understand how it occurs. My home region suddenly displayed it last night and the ping, which is normally 150-200ms for my location in the UK had risen to over 600ms. It found that several other regions that I visited showed elevated ping, anything from 300-400ms to over 500ms, but some showed what I would consider "normal" ping in the 150-200ms range. Mutiple relogs made no difference, so I restarted my region...no change. 2nd restart the ping was lower, around 300ms but still curiously elevated. a third restart returned the ping to "normal" and so it remains today. Several other regions are still elevated, 300-450ms, and one, Cerridwen's Cauldron, which was normal yesterday, is now elevated as well. Now I have no idea how such variability could arise, since I assumed that all regions withing a virtual system such as SL would share the final stages of any signal route. This is presumably not the case! Is this now a result of SL being "in the cloud" via Amazon Web Services or am I missing something? I am assuming that the issue is not "at my end" since I observe no increased latency on any other applications I run nor do I see any delay in functions entirely within my PC. Anyone else see this phenomenon or have an explanation for it?
  21. @Felicia Nova I suspect what you would need to do is to contact LL via the help facility on the Main site and have them synchronise your inventory with Aditi. This often takes 24 hours (at the weekend it may be longer). If you are a Premium member you could use Live chat.
  22. If this were a motorway opening, say around 1960, I can just imagine the incident insurance lawyers rubbing their hands with glee and waiting for the bangs and screams.
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