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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Mazidox Linden all well and good, I understand what you write but I take issue with point 2, "not publicly discussed": That opens so many cans of worms! There are many among us users that would contend that there are several aspects of the running of SL that are not "publicly discussed" by the Lindens that really DO need to be "publicly discussed". The response that SL is Linden Property and therefore we perforce play to Linden Rules (ToS) is facile and unacceptable to some.
  2. @SoniaVilevaI see trouble straight away. The use of high or full rez textures will (as is pointed out in other posts on this thread) cause a massive increase in both video and system memory...this will of necessity slow things down. Secondly why on earth did you remove the scripts from your Maitreya body? It will not function correctly if you do that.
  3. I am by no means as expert a user as folk such as Pantera or Niran, both of whom would explain this better than I but the apparent long bake time for BoM is normal and is due to the actual baking of the revised texture on your skin when you replace a hairbase or any other system layer. We used to get that at every item change but we have become used to the faster rezzing of worn mesh. For that same reason the newly baked texture is just that, new. Therefore it would need to be cached all over again, the client does not cache partial textures. It is one of the reasons that I do not like or use BoM, though the alpha-glitch is my penalty, which BoM overcomes; great for tattoos and sheer clothes (providing they are system layers) but for me precious little use for anything else.
  4. I will remember this when my car introduces me to "new and interesting experiences" on the hard shoulder of the motorway.
  5. In order to help us help you, we need to know the specs of the system you run and your settings. Please copy and paste the info you get in Help >about Firestorm. Obviously edit out any personal info that might appear.
  6. No, at the least, not all. My region, Woods of Heaven is definitely Main Server and it restarted twice last Friday. The possibility of the Grid-Poking Bot running amok on the Grid would surely have prompted SOME kind of comment from the Lindens. The re-emergence of the Linden Cone of Silence over this admittedly apparently minor matter suggests that Oz Linden's policy of improved communication did not last long after his departure. 😕
  7. Ah but while it may be "your" computer, MS continues to claim that it is "their" software and they reserve the right (sic) to modify it when and as-ever they please. The ****ards.
  8. I never thought I'd post in defence of the Evil Empire aka Microsoft, but at least for the present I CAN control when updates are installed and I do. @Chic AeonThe reason you are getting updates during active hours is probably: 1) You have not set Update to only install updates outside of your chosen active hours. I have. 2) You have elected or agreed to join the Windows Insider programme and so you receive updates in their "preview" form (and frequently these are seriously flawed) you can and should turn these off unless you are a developer or a reasonably techy user. I am not. Preview updates are "optional" for me and after nearly ruining my SL once by installing a preview update on Windows 7, I avoid those like the plague. and possibly 3) You are not as paranoid as I and you don't check update status are soon as you start up the computer! All these aspects of Update are accessible via Update Settings (the precise pathway depends on the version of 10 (say Home or Pro, I know these have differences, I use Home). I will say nothing of the MS vs Linux debate, everything I hear suggests that Linux is much better, provided you are at least reasonably tech savvy. I am not. @Gabriele Gravesindeed, Windows 10's handling of updates IS unpleasant but it CAN be tamed. However like most wild things it can, and probably will, bite me someday. 😉
  9. That is not normal for even Linden-owned regions. There was/is something else going on and that is not paranioa speaking (though it is fit and well and I am on good terms with it).
  10. Ok so now we have RC channel rolls scheduled for both Wednesday AND Tuesday, the day normally reserved for Main Channels rolls (obviously there would be none since there is nothing to promote) but in light of last night's odd restarts/region crashes (I don't know which but I suspect the former), some explantion from The Lab would be nice. I wonder what was being "Banged On"? Just a wild thought: These "restart/crashes" we've been seeing; they're not LL's work but some techs at AWS working on the servers without LL's knowledge! Now THAT would be a bit dodgy for us, wouldn't it?
  11. I have experienced that a couple of times, though not recently and when on FS, not the LL viewer. I believe now the region sends a different pre-restart message set and prevents an avatar from entering a region (or logging into one) for the last minute prior to restart. All that said, I'd still like to know what was going on last night. When I looked at the world map (which seems to be working well, now) I saw several other regions offline, so I don't think these were self-instigated region restarts.
  12. If these are crashes then my region Woods of Heaven crashed twice tonight (on neither occasion was I on the region though I WAS online) and as is said above it came back very quickly, though restarts are much faster now than they used to be. I don't think such widespread region crashing is very likely unless AWS are having some issues. One way or another it warrants some notice on the GSP, though the silence there (apart from the useless automatic RC roll notice) is not unusual.
  13. D'oh of course! I did know that I'd just had a bit of a brain fart and had forgotten! (It's the vaccine, you know).But it's the other stuff that got my attention really.
  14. This all sounds very nice exept for one thing: if the animation and other things are all client-side this inevitably leads to different renderings of the action - this is a prima facie case of breaking the "Shared Experience" imperative, surely? LL would never allow such a thing, I think?
  15. @Adrian Rowley There are a number of groups of regions all adjacent that are used in a number of RP situations and have been so since the earliest days of SL. One that springs immediately to mind is the Calas Galadhon regions, run by @Tymus Tenk and for Cyber/SF play there is or at least was Insilico. There are a number of others. The principal issue for all of them was the enormous cost of running the multi-region creations and getting sufficient renters and visitors to make small contributions via the tipjars (the visitors tipping I mean). Even with the historic issues with region crossings these conglomerate regions were fairly practical, I believe.
  16. @Naiman BroomeWhat part of "cannot be done in any practicable way" do you not understand?
  17. The issue of larger region dimensions has arisen many times over the years and as @Flea Yatsenkosays now that SL is in the cloud the practical aspects are less obstructive. However I can see one stumbling block. Given LL's current Tier rates for SL land, even a 512x512sqm region would attract a fiendishly high tier and larger sizes boggle my wallet's imagination. Maybe others could bear the high costs but I doubt if they are numerous enough to warrant the effort on LL's part to make it work, given their already long list of broken services which are demanding their attention. Currently there are fewer Lindens to go round as it is and spreading them ever more thinly among the work in progress seems unwise.
  18. For me today all seemed fine in FS support English, I could see moderator chat and users asking questions. Then I typed my question and....BOOM...the group chat died for me, I got the message dropped error and nothing more appeared despite my closing and reopening that group chat multiple times. Other groups also "seemed" to be working but I refrained from further comment and most seemed to run for about 30 minutes until I TPed, when it all went "poof" until I relogged. Put succinctly, SNAFU
  19. Well, @Solar Legion, at least we can say we are officially told that nothing is likely to interrupt our Second Life meanderings! 😉
  20. @hholke Before we can begin to assist you we need your system specification when running a viewer. Open the viewer but don't try to log in. Look in the top left corner of your splash page and you will see "Help". click that and "about" (this is the almost the same whichever viewer you are using so far as I recall). Then copy and paste the top half of what You see down to the Graphics "OpenGL Version" line. That will give us part of what we'll need. Then hopefully someone more techy than I can jump in to help you. 😊 Off the top of my head I would say your firewall or antivirus is not allowing SL to communicate with the viewer in some fashion so the sychronization with SL cannot be completed, but how you fix that I have not a clue.
  21. Just adding a "me three" THANKYOU LL!
  22. No, SL group chat may not have been designed to handle idle conversation but what @Skell Dagger says above is the most important point and it extends to many other service and support groups. The moderators themselves have the same handicaps the we, the great unwashed, do. I've heard many saying, in this and related threads, that support and mentoring on many topics can be handled by other means. For the life of me I cannot imagine how ANY other method could be even close to as effective.
  23. Well, your definition of utterly is not mine. As far as I am concerned if I cannot see moderator chat or be sure that all that is sent to a group is actually being seen by either the mods or other users, it is useless. That applies to all my groups without exception. Indeed some do appear to work better than others and it does not seem to be dependant on the number in each group, rather whether or not that particular group is having its resources sucked away by another more numerous group. In short if I cannot be sure of a group working, for me, that group is useless. While chat-lag and order scrambling did occasionally occur back in 2010, it was never remotely as bad as it is now.
  24. Whatever the issue, and whatever the history of group chat, the fact is that it USED to work...not well but at least partially. Now it is utterly useless and recent attempts by LL to reduce the server-load have proven less than useful. The current situation is a woeful indictment of LL's present lack of engineering and coding abilities. ETA: It cannot have escaped LL's attention that the recent issues wih group chat have apparently resulted in a +5% reduction in online numbers. This issue is hitting you in the wallet LL and the fees hike is not going to help. Fix your product, LL or the atrophy will become a torrent.
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